The Empty Hearse: Part Nine

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a/n: above is the face to our hero's dashing friend, Daniel! He is portrayed by Jeremy Allen White. Carry on!

I must had drifted off to sleep, for when I woke up, there was a blanket on me, yet I was still in my dress from the night before. Immediately I felt hopeful and sprung out of bed. My bare feet quietly slapped the ground as I quickly came out of my room and saw Sherlock brewing tea in the kitchen. I couldn't help but gasp in delight and practically sprint to hug him from behind.

"You're alive." I signed, his body tense from the sudden hug, and scented like cigarettes and cologne.

"I have been." Sherlock stated.

"I know, I just thought- cause yesterday you and John-" I stuttered, but stopped when Sherlock took my arms and removed them from the embrace. He turned around with a nonchalant face.

"I- I thought you were gone." I said, tears welling in my eyes. I embraced the detective once again around his lean waist, this time not surprising him. "I felt alone."

I heard a soft door squeak open, followed by delicate footsteps. Pulling away from Sherlock, I saw John and Mary standing by the sofa. At the sight of my Uncle I smiled brighter than the morning sun. When our eyes met I sensed a wave of relief wash over the both of us.

We both embraced like it was our last, and I could've sworn I heard him crying.

"I'm sorry for everything." I said softly, and held his hug tighten. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too." John squeaked, myself being the only one who heard his voice crack. I felt several tears escape my eyes and lightly splatter on my Uncle's cotton shirt.

"Ahem." I heard Mary sound. "Aspen, there was something I specifically came by to ask."

John pulled away and went over to Sherlock, patting him on the back.

"As you know, we're getting married." Mary began. "Not you and me, John and I."

My uncle and I chuckled at that remark.

"And I would like you to be one of my Bridesmaids." She offered, beaming.

I smiled almost instantly, followed by a chuckle.

"I would be honoured, Mary!" I accepted, then embraced my future Aunt.

"Well, I should be going. I've got to meet some people." John's fiancé said, then left the flat.

After a while, I turned to the two men, remembering what Lucy told me last night.

"A bomb?" I stated. "In the Underground."

"Don't worry, Sherlock stopped it." John explained.

"Oh, I have no doubt he stopped it from blowing whatever it was meant to blow up, but why didn't you tell me?" I questioned my friends.

"Mycroft said it was a matter of National Security, we couldn't just share it with anyone." Sherlock chimed, his back turned as he continued with his tea.

"You two are so full of it. Next time you survive a life-threatening bomb, tell me so I'm not worrying all night." I demanded.

"What, are you worried we'll be a bit...smoked?" John joked, prior to me playfully punching him in the arm while laughing.

"Seriously though, I am so glad you're not dead." I thanked the two.

"Oh, please." Sherlock stated. "Me? Dead? That's so two years ago."

I smiled at his statement, then went to change out of the dress in my room.

As I came out, I noticed a message:

Breakfast? Lucy's paying.

from Daniel, and

Breakfast? Daniel's paying.

from Lucy. Shaking my head in amusement, I left to flat to go join my friends in morning fellowship.while my Uncle and his best friend discussed what adventure they would take on next.

The london air was fresh through the morning, with car horns beepping every now and then. Signs of life. I swaggered into the small cafe, where my two friends were waiting for me. They both sat on one side of the table, and I sat on another.

"Morning, Aspen! How's your uncle? I know you were a bit worried about him the other night." Daniel asked, and smiled jokingly.

"He's alright! Thanks for asking, I guess." I assured my guy-friend. Meanwhile, Lucy ran her hand through her hair as she explained her "terrifying" exprience being evacuated from the London underground.

"There was so much talking, and every so often there'd be screaming, and- I just didn't know if I'd be out in time. All I could think about was how I had told Daniel to screw off before I left the house, and if those were going to be my last words to my brother. Tha's when I saw you, Aspen, and I tell you: I felt so relieved." She babbled over her steaming cup of coffee.

"Wow, must had been terrifying Luce," Daniel stated. "Maybe you should tell me to screw off less, you never know when one of us might bite the dust."

"Wow, pretty grim, Dan." I told him, sipping my morning tea.

"Truth hurts. We're all going to die one day-"

"Anyway," I said, playfully interrupting his impending speech, and attempting to relax Lucy's growing anxiety.

"John's getting married! I'm going to have an aunt!" I said, making my friends smile with glee.

"That's fantastic, Aspen!" Lucy exclaimed, beaming with joy. "Are you going to get us on the guest list?"

"You know it, Luce! Mary, his fiancée, just asked me to be a bridesmaid as well, so it should be even more exciting!" I said, then took another sip of tea.

"Well, This was fun, but we've got to run. We've got our adventures for the day, but we'll see you later, Aspen." Daniel said at last. I guess I was paying for breakfast.

The two smiled at me as they left for their daily adventtures.I already knew what mine would be: applying to universities and preparing to be the best bridesmaid ever.


The man observed the footage on the screens in front of him. While his main focus was on the Detective and his urgency to save his friend, another person drew his attention: the girl who was the Doctor's niece. Her face had a familiar look, of fear and confusion and isolation. He then switched to a different hidden camera, one on the man who entered a book store.

The observer placed his hand on his mouth in study.

"Aspen won't make the trip. She's very ill." The man said, to the manager's confusion. "You will replace her spot immediately."

Hungry for more about this young girl, he descended down into his vaults, and pulled a file from his archive. Smiling, he flipped through the detailed information: her dark past, her two years spent during Sherlock's disappearance, her present, but most importantly, her weaknesses. The girl had five of them. Five pressure points. It was more than he expected from a girl her age. The man adjusted his glasses with a smirk as he put the file in a special spot, right near Mary Morstan's even more detailed file.

'I think I'll save those, for a rainy day.' He thought as he ascended his vaults.

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