The Sign of Three: Part Three

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The wedding went by so fast, I thought it was a practice. I remember sitting in the front with the other bridesmaids, and next to Mary's maid of honour, Janine.
"Love your hair, Aspen!" She whispered as Mary spoke her vows to John. I remember how nearly every bridesmaid but the two of us were weeping at how beautiful it must've seemed.

Lucy and Daniel sat quite behind me, almost ten rows. Of course they weren't particularly close to neither the bride or groom, and were mostly there for me, but I was happy that they were here nonetheless.

Sherlock kept his poker face the whole ceremony, and only seemed to react when Mary and John kissed at the end.

The entire chapel roared with applause, and presented the couple with a standing ovation. I saw Janine and Sherlock as the first to follow them out, along with myself and another bridesmaid, Stella, with purple and white petals and confetti in our hands.

It was the perfect day for a wedding outside. Bright and sunny, and not a rain cloud in the sky.

"If I could just get a picture of the newlyweds!" The photographer announced, and Janine stepped to the side. Sherlock though, stayed next to John.
"J-just the bride and groom please."

I giggle as John elbows Sherlock and he steps to the side, watching on as John and Mary take their first photo as Newlyweds. As Stella and I toss the confetti in near perfect synchronisation, I spot Daniel looking at me as he exits the church. I don't know if it was the love in the atmosphere, but my heart just fluttered.

"Alright, bridesmaids you can go." The photographer said, and I went to join my two friends. Sherlock, John, Janine and Mary went ahead to the reception hall to greet those who entered. There was almost a line to get in, and I stood with my two friends.

"Aspen, shouldn't you be with your new girlfriends?" Lucy teased, motioning to the group of bridesmaids entering early. I almost felt offended, but swallowed my thoughts.
"Well I'll have to sit with them anyways, so I might as well spend time with my best friends." I responded, reaching for my "a" necklace and fiddling with it.

"Ah, and we love the company, right Luce?" Daniel asked, in support of me. I smiled as Lucy nodded while the three of us took about five paces forward in the line.

While the three of us were silent for a moment, I studied the line both behind and ahead. I smiled to myself, for Sherlock's brother was nowhere to be found.

"Ah, Daniel, Lucy." I heard John say, and saw that we were now right in the doorway. "You two are looking well!"

"Thank you, Mr. Watson, and Mrs. Watson!" Daniel thanked, and I couldn't not blush at his charm. As the two siblings went inside I rushed to Sherlock.

"So, notice anything? Since you're so keen about noticing things today?" I asked in his ear.

"What is it, Aspen?" The detective asked as Mary and John shook the next guests' hands.
"Looks like you owe me a cigarette. Mycroft is nowhere in sight." I teased, then elbowed my friend playfully.

I heard his groan in annoyance, which made John turn to us.
"Something wrong, Sherlock?" He asked.
"Nothing, John!" I said for him, then went inside the reception hall.

I noticed the table of bridesmaids growing, and went to reserve a seat next to Stella, since she was the only one besides Janine that wasn't completely obnoxious, and would talk about something other than throwing the bouquet.

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