The Empty Hearse: Part Eight

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I was more than happy to see John okay after what happened last night. While Sherlock was typing away on his computer, the two of us briefly caught up since the only time I saw him yesterday was after he was nearly burned alive.
"How are you feeling, John?" I asked him.
"He's a bit smoked, Aspen." Sherlock chimed from his computer.
I chuckled at the thought of what I was about to say.

"Well that makes two of you, right Sherlock?" I joked, but the detective just looked over at me in annoyance. "Because you smoke- okay never mind then."
I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as John lightly giggled at my joke.

"How are you, Aspen? It feels like ages since we last spoke." John asked as I sat down on the sofa cushions.
"Fine, living life." I simply said. I then notice his bare upper lip. "Hey! You shaved your moustache!" I exclaimed, gesturing to his shaved skin. "You really have changed!"

This time, Sherlock was the one who laughed.
My uncle shook his head as I joined the detective in laughter.
"What are you two doing today? At it again at solving crimes are you?" I asked as I stood and circled the small table to see Sherlock's work.

"I don't actually know- Sherlock?" John mentioned and glanced over at the consulting detective. Once I looked over his shoulder, he hid his work from me.
"Don't you have a job to be getting to, Aspen?" Sherlock blurted, his tone quite cold now.

"Is that true, Aspen?" John asked, his arms crossed.
"I mean, I'm already late, there's no point-"
"I don't want to keep you from it though. We'll catch up more tonight?" John interrupted.
"Yes, of course. Goodbye now Aspen." Sherlock answered, quickly standing and escorting me to the door. What was he hiding from me?

"Well actually-" I began, but Sherlock already closed the door on me.
Typical Sherlock, I thought. I glanced at my wrist, expecting to see my watch, but forgot I had taken it off. Instead my phone was the timekeeper. Also the bearer of nearly ten missed calls from work.
I was nearly out the door when John came behind me.

"Aspen!" he said, as I placed my hands in my pockets.
"What are you doing today? Perhaps Sherlock and I will need some help." John asked, hesitant on his words.

I was sorry to refuse his offer, despite my previous curiosity.
"Ah, John. I'm sorry, but I've got these plans. I'm going on a student trip to parliament. They're deciding on an act today and the man I work with put together a group of students and-" I began to explain.

"Wait, why didn't you tell me about this?" John asked me, now a more possessive tone.
I scoffed. "Sorry, I thought you wouldn't care. I've got to start looking into my future, Uncle. I can't stay in 221B forever." I defended.

"I understand, but Aspen, you don't. Please listen there's-"
"John please. I don't want to hear it." I interrupted, and began to walk away.
"Aspen!" he called, but I resisted looking back.

As I made my way to the Underground, I brought out my phone and texted Thomas.

Was feeling under the weather this morning. I'll be fine for the trip later though. Sorry.

I couldn't put my device away fast enough that could prevent me from bumping into a man rushing up the stairs.
"Excuse you." I mumbled, and prepared to board the tube. No way was I going back home.

Before I knew it, the sun had set and I had to head over to the bookstore to meet with Thomas. I made sure to go back to Baker Street when neither John nor Sherlock were there. I quickly put on a grey dress; simple but still professional. I found my old necklace, the one that had a silver "a." It showed signs of wear and also had specks of dust from not wearing it for several years. I picked it up off the corner of my desk. There were too many memories for me to wear it just now. Quickly, I placed it back down and rushed out of the flat.

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