His Last Vow: Part Ten

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As if entering the fortress of Charles Magnussen wasn't already terrifying enough, my brain was buzzing with confusion and attempts at comprehending the fact that I didn't see this coming; more so that Wes was related to this eerie viper that I had the misfortune of meeting once before. 

"Wes has told me little about you. Then again," Magnussen sneered as I sauntered further into the bright, cold den of his home, "He doesn't tell me much in general."

"Or anyone, for that matter." I spoke, glancing at my young friend, hurt in my eyes. "You know, I can see the resemblance, yes, you have his nose and stupid chin. Did he look like you when he was our age too?" I jabbed, feeling a fury rise in me. 

I took a look around the room and saw that most of the home was white, with dark accents scattered throughout. It reminded me of how I felt towards Wes in the moment, with the dark spots growing with every moment longer I was in the presence of Magnussen. I glanced to the arrogant man, who watched Wes and I quarrel like children. 

"Aspen, If I told you who he was, you wouldn't have come, you know that." Wes began. He raised his hands as he approached me gently. "The relationship you and Sherlock share with each other and with my father would have jeopardized your discovery of your own, which is what I promised I would help you with. Even if it meant at the cost of our own friendship."

"I don't have a relationship with this man." I glared at Magnussen, who was making his way behind a counter, still keeping an eye on the two of us. "It was supposed to be no more than a tedious exchange of information I have had the right to know my whole life." There was a beat, and then the adult man spoke.

"You know, you sound like him."

I turned quickly, knowing what he meant, but still not so. I began to approach Magnussen, but Wes stopped me from getting too close.

"Like who? I don't want any trouble, and I swear Sherlock doesn't even know I'm here." I told Magnussen, "I just want to know who my father is."

"Why? Why is that important? Because you didn't get into school, and you somehow believe finding him will undo all of that?" The older man asked. I looked to Wes, baffled that Magnussen knew about that.

"Maybe-"I began.

"What time is it, love?" Magnussen interrupted, coming back around the counter with two cups of tea.

"What?" I asked, caught off guard.

"You heard me, I'd hate for Sherlock to discover you missing." The man stated. I glanced at my watch before shrugging. Outside it looked to be the afternoon

"It's broken, it doesn't work." I said, "Why is hat important, It takes two seconds for you to stop sodding around and just tell me-"

"Come, sit." Magnussen interrupted, and handed Wes and myself a mug of the tea, smelling strong of lemon and apples.

"I don't have time for this-" I started.

"Listen to him, Aspen. Please." Wes pleaded, and headed to a gray couch. Sighing, I glanced around the room, and saw two wooden doors on one side of the room, but reluctantly followed Wes to the seat near a glass window. I looked to my friend, who took a sip of the tea, and concluded it must have been safe, so I myself took a sip. 

I looked at the man in his suit, who crossed his legs and glared at me.

"You look like him too, except for the eyes. Perhaps they're your mother's. How is she?" Magnussen reported, and I scoffed in frustration. 

"It would be helpful if you at least gave me some sort of clue as to who in the hell you're referring to." I stated.

"Oh, I already have, many in fact, and now that I've had to point it out, I want you to tell me how you two met." Magnussen switched gears, gesturing to Wes and I. I glanced at my friend in distaste while taking another sip of the tea. Something about it was strangely intoxicating. 

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