The Empty Hearse: Part Six

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Although the rain began to slow I still brought my bright orange raincoat that contrasted against the gloomy London day. Underneath my coat were the papers I was to give Sherlock, protected from the ceasing downpour. Despite the weather conditions, it didn't take me long to navigate my way through the London streets. I found myself at Baker Street and the cafe in no time. Deciding it would take less time, I quickly entered the flat and rushed up the stairs to give the detective his materials. When I checked my watch, it read that I landed there at noon, right on the dot.

"Sherlock?" I called, entering the quiet flat. His papers were everywhere, and in the new light I noticed the giant pinboard above the couch, riddled with pictures, notes and several maps already. Carefully, I placed the ones I scavenged from the library on the coffee table. Glancing at my watch once more, I decided to take a break and relax before my lunch date with my two friends. Plopping down on the couch, I felt my limbs slack and sprawl out on the soft cushions.

It was so serene, just laying there and listening to the rain. My eyes were fixed on the watch I wore. You would've thought I was hypnotized by how I stared at the ticking hand. So many memories were trapped inside, and with each tick, more were made. I tried not to think of the first memory I had with it, which now felt like it was a hundred years ago.

His voice still echoed in my head, and sent chills down my body. Something in me wanted, just one more time, to speak with him. But alas, he was dead.

A soft rumble of thunder gently pulled me out of my trance, and I remembered my two friends waiting for me downstairs. Getting up slower than I wished, I left the flat and went back outside into the rain. In a hurry, I scurried to the neighboring cafe.


Time seemed to pass as quick as the rain did. The three of us finished our meal right as the rain slowed to a drizzle. Lucy sat next to me, and Daniel across from her. He had made a joke, but all I knew at that moment was how handsome he looked while laughing. I, of course, chuckled as well, but couldn't seem to take my eyes off his bright green eyes.
"Did I ever fell you guys how I got my name?" I suddenly asked, and they both looked at me. It had just slipped out.

"No, Aspen." Daniel said, and Lucy shook her head.

"It's nothing grand really. When my mother was pregnant with me, her and my father were in a field once, full of all types of trees- a grove. They stopped under an Aspen tree, and that's when my mother first felt me kick. My Father decided then I should be called Aspen." I explained, chills running all over me, purging the warmth my coat was supposed to bring.

"That's beautiful!" Daniel exclaimed. Lucy smiled, and took a sip of her tea.
"Would you like to come with us to our local church tonight? They're hosting a little get together to welcome in the new season." The boy offered from across the booth. Lucy glanced at him, before nodding in agreement.

"Yes! Aspen! You have to come! I think you would like it!" She encouraged.
"I don't know, I don't really do religion and that kind of stuff..." I hesitated.
"They don't have to know that! Come on, it'll be fun!" Daniel joked.
He looked at me with a new look- the kind a puppy would use when begging for scraps. It made me chuckle, and I agreed with a nod.

"Fine, but if anything happens I'm blaming you two." I played. The three of us chuckle as we leave the cafe.
It was dark in a matter of hours, two tops. I stood next to Daniel in the cold, damp grass that chilled my feet. There were more people than I would anticipate, all gathered around a single pyre, with a box of fireworks nearby. Several children ran here and there,warming themselves with horseplay, making me smile as I sipped the cocoa I purchased from a nearby vendor.

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