The Sign of Three: Part Two

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"Criminology, Aspen?!" Lestrade asked as I followed him through Scotland Yard. "You've got to be joking, after all you've been through?"
"Hey, you asked what I wanted to study!" I told the D.I "Anyways, I thought it would only make sense, I've been through so much." The detective and I went into his office, where he plopped down into his chair, out his feet on the desk, and ran his hands through his hair.
"Lestrade, it would do so much good, since you're so high up in Scotland Yard!" I pointed out, moving to the front of the desk.

A moment paused before he spoke, and only after a long sigh.
"When do you need it by?" He asked, his fingers massaging the bridge of his nose.
"Two weeks enough?" I told him, my excitement bleeding through my words.

"Fine, I'll do it." He said. I squealed in excitement and went to hug Lestrade.
"Oh thank you thank you Lestrade! You won't regret it!" I thanked, and he chuckled before patting my back.

"You've really turned yourself around Aspen, so it's the least I can do." He mentioned, "now get out, I'm really busy today now that Sherlock's back."

I nearly skipped out of the office in glee. Two down, one to go.
"Okay, your dress is right there, and I brought some makeup for you but I'm not sure if it will match your skin tone, but girl, I'm definitely doing your hair-" Lucy began to babble.

"Lucy!" I calmed my friend, and she carefully plugged in a curling iron. I went over to my wardrobe door to where my dress hung as Lucy took a deep breath.

"I suppose you want me to get dressed first? While we wait for the iron to warm up." I suggested in a light voice."

"Yes, please."She squeaked and then pulled out her phone to answer a call.

I took the lilac dress from my bed, and left the room to take the ten pace walk to the loo. I could see right before I went in that Sherlock and Mary were in a loose conversation. Right as I went in I heard him get angry with her and her frustrated footsteps leave the flat and descend down the stairs.

I could see Sherlock's gaze from the corner of my eye as I went into the loo. This whole wedding had to be hard on him in some way. This was his best friend, and John had already moved out ages ago. Some would say it's the end of an era, but I didn't have a doubt that Sherlock and John would keep solving crimes after this day.

Man, lilac was not a good colour on me, but it was what Mary and John chose. One would think that the colour would compliment my eyes, but it was never a match for me. I strapped on my grey high heels, so now I could probably be taller, if not as tall as Lucy. Both her and Daniel were giants compared to me. And I was as tall as-

I stopped myself before I could think of his name. Why I would even think of such a person. They were gone now, and they would only be as long as they weren't remembered. 

The heels were like sandals, exposing my small toes, painted like the colour of ash that Lucy, Mary and I had gotten yesterday.

As I fastened the strap near my heel, I admired how even my short nails looked pretty. They too matched my toes, a quality Lucy stressed heavily.
"They have to match, Aspen, and the colour will look beautiful with your dress." She said.
"I'll have to agree, Penny." Mary mentioned.
"There you go, and you can't argue with the bride."
"Okay mother." I teased.
"Mother." I said out loud to no one but my reflection, who was also fastening her left heel.

I did wonder if she would make it to the wedding. It would be the first time in years now that I would see her. Maybe it would mean a lot to John, but I couldn't care less if I saw her again. I felt an anger boil inside me and accidentally adjusted my strap too tight. Exhaling, I loosened it and stood up to admire my look, not yet completed with Lucy's great hair styling skills.

Thoughts clouded my mind about how I looked vastly different as opposed to three years ago. My face was fuller, and had life in it's eyes. I wasn't as deathly thin, and decided I could use makeup to cover the six inch scar on my arm. I shut my eyes almost immediately after glancing at the wound, trying not to see his face, or hear his voice, or see Sherlock blowing off the roof like a leaf in the wind. My breathing became heavy as that was all I could think about, and I had to lay my hand on the sink for support. It wouldn't stop, he wasn't going away.

A knock on the door is what stopped me from going completely mad. I opened my eyes, and noticed I was on the ground, sitting against the wall, and my breathing going a meter a minute.
"Aspen?" Sherlock called. "We have to go, you've been in there for an hour now." His deep voice urged.

That shocked me.
"Th-that's impossible." I said, my voice shaking. I stood to unlock the door and walked out. Sherlock was already in his best man suit, and Lucy was touching up her hair in my room, music in her ears.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. What happened in there?" He asked, and I took a deep breath.

"I was just thinking." I said in a rush, then went to my friend, who was ecstatic to see me.

Who knew that Lucy would be able to curl and braid my hair in fifteen minutes?
"I know, I work wonders." She boasted from the back of the car as Sherlock drove to the church. As she answered yet another call from Daniel, Sherlock went to me as I patted my braid along the side of my head.

"Aspen, don't make me say it." He said in a low voice, so Lucy wouldn't be able to hear.
"Say what, Sherlock?" I asked.
"You know I know why you were in there. Were you thinking about-" he began.
"If you know it then you shouldn't have to say it. Please, just drive, and then we can enjoy the day with someone we both love." I interrupted, and spoke in a tone that was appalling to both of us. I swallowed the act and stared out the window.

Looking down, I saw that the scar was covered near perfectly in makeup.

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