The Empty Hearse: Part Five

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A dreamless sleep was just what I needed to end the day. I could feel myself tossing and turning, as if there was some dream I was supposed to be having. Still, nothing bothered me. I did, however, find myself waking up in the middle of the night, dawn not quite arriving yet. Groggily, I reached to a table side nook to check the time on my cell. It was nearly five in the morning, yet it felt as if I had been asleep for ten minutes. It wasn't enough. I sighed before tossing back over to fall back asleep.

For some reason though, I could never find myself to do so. Over twenty minutes passed before I decided that I truly was awake, and got out of bed.
As I approached the kitchen to make some tea, I noticed that by now, the sun had prepared to rise, showing a sliver of golden pink on the horizon. The curtains moved softly in the wind, exposing the sunrise as I sat on the couch with a cup of tea.

The cool breeze tickled my neck, a draft from my dangling dark hair. I smiled at the cool hair as I turned on my phone. Crossing my legs on the couch, I took a sip of tea as the atmosphere was cozy. My device was the only tool that illuminated the room, besides the streetlight outside.

Already were there articles on the BBC News about Sherlock's resurrection from the dead. I read some of them as I waited for the detective to wake up. It would be a matter of time before the topic trends on social media. As I read on, I noticed that none mentioned the other single death that occurred the same day as Sherlock's: Moriarty's. Sure, they mentioned that he framed the detective in kidnapping children, but they still assured readers that he was long gone.

I took a moment to turn off my phone and contemplate what I had seen that day: Sherlock jumping off the building was my prime focus but I distinctly remembered that his body laid no more than three meters from him, a small pool of blood around his head, and gun in his cold, dead hand.

Interrupting my thoughts was an automatic glow from my phone, with only one message from Daniel.
Gm. Hope you have a good day :)

I smile at the guesture, for if I had slept in, I would've woken up to this message. I swiped left to indicate I've read it, and send back a polite "You Too."

"Who was that?" A voice asked, making me jump. I looked up to see Sherlock standing, back facing me, and making tea. Before responding, I looked to see that the sun had just risen, and as if on cue, so did Sherlock.

"Just a friend." I said, turning off my phone. "You don't have to do that, I made some for you too." I meant the tea as he began to boil his pot.

"Although the guesture was appreciated, it was unnecessary. It seems that in the past two years you have forgotten that I like my tea fresh." He told me, and I knew the old Sherlock was back.

"Are you seeing John today?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.
"I plan to talk to him today. I've got a case: imminent terrorist attack on London, and Mycroft needs me to get to the bottom of it."

Immediately, a million lightbulbs illuminated my head with ideas. Almost on instinct I sat up straight as well.
"Well, I could help! I work at a library, it has all kinds of maps of London, underground and above. I could get some for you." I offered, getting up and off the couch to approach the detective.

A few moments crossed that allowed the detective to think.

"I supposed that would work." He said, still not facing me. "I'll need them by noon."

I could feel my face light up like the morning sun as I embraced the detective, his robe smelling like ink and old newspapers.

Quickly, I dressed in my polo and jeans that was required of me by the library, and headed out.
As the morning went on, I dove into the Maps of London my library held, studying many, but only taking several. Luckily, not many were there for witness my accidental thievery. They were maps, so who really needed them besides tourists?

Around the late morning, nearing noon did my manager come up to me, face buried in the papers.
"Aspen." Thomas said, and I looked up to meet his somewhat serious gaze.
"What's up?" I asked, trying not to giggle at his combed hair that looked ten coats deep in gel.

"There's a group of kids going down to Parliament tomorrow, and I'd like to recommend you to go with them. I know you're deeply interested in old books, and I'd love for you to experience the environment and books it holds." He offered.

Baffled by the randomness of the proposal, I took a moment to think. Although I had myself wrapped up in this whole Sherlock situation, perhaps it would be nice to take a break tomorrow. Then again, what if this attack is in Parliament? Surely Sherlock would've mentioned it if so.

"Um, sure Thomas. I'd be honoured to. Thank you." I told my friend. He nodded intelligently, adjusting his thin rectangular glasses.
"I'll get the papers, and give them to you when I can." He said before turning to go back to stamping books.

Immediately after my phone buzzed to signal my lunch break now. It was nearly noon, and Sherlock needed his papers. I took several and stuffed them into my backpack before heading out, saying goodbye to Thomas, and that I'd be back soon. On my way out I took the papers for the trip, and shoved them in with the maps.

My phone buzzed again as I turned onto Baker Street. It was a phone call from Daniel. A small sprinkle of rain began to fall as I answered it.

"You caught me at a good time. It's my lunch break." I said to my friend. If I had my phone out during work, Thomas would've surely penalised me.
"Oh did I?" Daniel asked on the other side. "Well how about you come to lunch with Lucy and I?"

A silly smile helplessly spread across my face as I approached 221.
"I mean I guess. It beats eating alone." I told him. "Where?"
"Just the cozy cafe next to the flats." He said as I walked in to drop off the maps to Sherlock.

"I'm on my way. See you then." I said, then hung up. There was no commotion going on upstairs, so I just set the maps down on Ms. Hudson's table.

Nearly right after did I turn to head off to my meeting, grabbing my raincoat on the way out from a hanger.

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