The Sign of Three: Part Ten

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"Danie- you didn't tell me-" I stuttered, feeling a knot in my throat instantly. Stella's hand went directly to cover her mouth in shock as Daniel approached me. In anguish I stepped back.
"Aspen, just listen-" he started.
"I didn't know you two were a thing." Stella said apologetically. I wasn't mad at her though, and had little to no intention of listening to Daniel.
"It's f-fine, Stella." I said softly.
"Aspen-" Daniel began again.
"You don't have feelings for me? That night in the pub-" I started to babble through the voice cracks that my tears dared to slip through.

"I was drunk that night, and had barely any control-" he explained, and I scoffed so hard I thought he blew back.
"I don't allow that excuse. I haven't since I was young." I said sternly to the boy. "I just-I thought there was something there, you know, I-I thought you were going to ask me to dance and-" I had to stop to ensure a sob didn't release.

"Aspen, I didn't know you felt this way, really. I liked you before, but that was before I noticed you had your eyes for someone else." Daniel told me, stepping closer. He tried to place a hand on my shoulder, but with my hand on my chin I threw him the most confused and disgusted look.

"Someone else? And who did you think this someone else was?!" I asked, my eyes glassy.

He took a moment before confessing:
"I thought you and Sherlock-"

"Oh my god." I retorted, moving my hand to my forehead.

"Oh my god, Daniel really? Sherlock and Janine have been making eyes at each other all day." Stella informed, walking out of the small room.

There was a moment of silence before Daniel spoke again.

"Y-you know, you bailed on Luce and I to be with Sherlock, and that night that we-we kissed I felt something too, but you ran off once Sherlock texted you about a case. You've been doing all this wedding planning with him, and I saw the way he looked at you during his speech-"

"Stop. Please. You think I'm infatuated with Sherlock?" I breathed. taking a deep breath, I felt a tear roll down my face. I breathed again and shut my eyes, preparing what I was about to say.

"Daniel, I have only ever let myself fall in love once in my life. Then, they vanished, like they weren't even real. Years ago, and I thought that maybe this time it could be different. I never had a chance with this other boy, but with you I thought I could. Sherlock is indeed like a father to me, and probably the only one I will ever know, so your hypothesis could not be further from the truth." I clarified. I let out a noise thereafter that was a mix of a sob and a sigh. Sniffing and holding back my tears, I pulled my arm back when Daniel reached for it in comfort. I turned my back on him and proceeded to let the tears fall, moving my hand to my mouth to muffle my breakdown.

"Aspen, wait!" I heard him call, but lost him as I moved through everyone dancing as quick as possible. I busted outside and felt a lukewarm air smack my warm tears. There was a garden, where a small stone bench was, and I rushed over to sit and just cry.

A moment passed, and my phone rang. All of me wanted to turn it off, for I knew it was Daniel calling. Nevertheless, I still checked it, and it was not Daniel. The number was from America, and from my school.

"He-hello?" I said, feeling a hoarse voice come out. Responding was an automated message, and nothing could have prepared me for what came next.

"Hello. This is an important message from The New York Academy of Criminal Science, calling about your application. As you know, we at NYACS take each and every one of our applicants very seriously, and look over each one with precision. We are sorry to inform you that your application has been denied examination and discarded due to incompletion and/or academic dishonesty within any or all criteria. Thank you for your understanding and we wish you luck next semester."

The line went dead, and so I did inside. It was as if all life had been snatched from me. I couldn't breathe, and all I could do was just sit there, alone with my thoughts.

A breeze blew and turned the wind into an icy embrace that I wanted to escape from. I winced and whimpered as I lowered my head and felt too many tears fall. Suddenly, as if a divine intervention, I felt something drape over my shoulders, sheltering me from the cold wind.

"You alright, Aspen?" I heard a familiar voice call. I looked up and saw Sherlock standing there, with almost an equally sad face, but exhibiting no sorrow. Instead, he offered a smile of comfort.

I caved in and shook my head.

"They rejected me." I said as the detective sat down next to me. "My application... is being discarded for 'academic dishonesty,' whatever that means. It's all my fault, if I had started it earlier I could have gotten it completed on time and then all three letters would have been in, oh but then you would still have been listed as my father, which is probably what they meant by academic dishonesty. How did they even find that out?" I started to rant.

"Aspen, it's okay, stop." Sherlock started, and placed his hands on my arms but I couldn't. My heart began to race and I felt myself panic as everything that just happened in the last hour came crashing down.

"My future is ruined because I was too lazy to look up who my real father was, and too foolish to ask you for your backup letter, we wouldn't even be in this mess if I had just thought it through-"

"Aspen, calm down." The detective urged. "We'll fix it-"

"And now my heart has been completely shattered all because of me. Daniel thinks I hate him because I wanted to spend more time with you and John before he got married, and he kissed me the other night and then told me he was drunk, but it still meant something to him and just-"

"Aspen, stop!" Sherlock demanded, and then for some reason, as if it would make me feel any better, let alone calm me down, I felt his hand move up to my cheeks and he pulled me in for a kiss of his own. While it did shock me into a small relaxation, I widened my eyes. He was good, but it didn't last long.

My eyes widened as I pulled myself away, my hands frozen on my sides. Almost immediately after, my breathing started to shake as I felt a small box in the pocket of Sherlock's coat. They were cigarettes.

"Aspen, I'm sorr-" Sherlock began, but I shushed him, and felt the tears fall again while I took a stick from the box.

"Shut the hell up." I said, "you owe me this." I stood and flung off his coat.

"That didn't mean anything, you were just freaking out and-" he stood again and reached out to me.

"Leave me the hell alone! Piss of, Sherlock!" I yelled so loud my throat hurt. I looked at him with streaming eyes. "Just- leave me alone tonight. You've done enough."

He persisted, and took my wrist. I anguish, I yanked it out of his grip and dashed away from his sorrowful face. I didn't look back, but instead looked at the ground for a lighter.

Now, more than ever, I wished my father was here.

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