Zander's P.O.V.Gone. Just like that.
I followed her on my bike all the way to her house. Just to make sure she made it home safely. Give a guy some credit, geez. She was crying the whole way, without a coat, and getting drenched in the rain.
Currently, I'm headed back towards the school, hoping I can somehow make an excuse for her in our classes. Something like: "Oh she got sick so I took her home." Would probably work, right?
The rain has slowed down a bit, but the cold breeze in the air causes each drop to feel like ice hitting your skin. As I park my bike outside the school and rush back inside, my mind wanders back to what happened.
I didn't know what exactly happened in that bathroom, but I knew it wasn't going to be good.
Late again, oh well. It's only my first week, they won't notice my absence. I pass by the class I'm supposed to be attending and continue walking down the hallways, dodging students as they rush to get to their classes on time. They still have 5 minutes left, I don't see what the big deal is. Soon the hallways are empty, and only a few students are left rushing to class. As another student runs past me, a thought pops into my head,
I could really use a drink.
I scan the hallways and see that the water fountain is up ahead. Just as I'm bending over to get a drink, I hear things being thrown around in the girls bathroom to my left. What is going on in there? I stand by the fountain, carefully listening to try to catch what is being said. Unfortunately, the walls are thick therefore I can't hear anything but something else hitting the floor. Seconds go by before the laughing starts; loud, obnoxious laughing.
What the – mid-thought the door slams open, Samantha and her group come walking out still laughing. I'm quick to turn away so they don't notice it's me. They rush off to class, laughing the whole way at whatever it is they did in that bathroom. I press my ear to the girls bathroom door, there's mostly silence other than the quiet crying. Samantha must have really hurt this girl. I'm hesitant to go in, I mean it's none of my business.
Gosh, Zander why are you doubting yourself on this?! This girl or person needs help, so help! I mentally groan to myself - I'm going to be that person who can't mind their own business - and barge into the bathroom, not caring anymore about whether it's my business or not, not even caring that I'm going into the girls bathroom. I round the corner and there she is, staring into the mirror. Concern washes over me like a bucket of cold water when I see her tear stained face.
Finally she notices me standing there and her eyes fill with confusion. She's soon to voice her thoughts, causing me to force down a laugh at the pure bewildered tone of voice she uses,
"Why. . . Is he in the girls bathroom. . ."I smirk inwardly to myself. That's cute, she probably didn't mean to say that out loud. I shake my head quickly, the situation finally dawning on me. My heart breaks as the puzzle pieces all come together in my mind. I rush over to cradle her face in my hands, my heart aching as I look at her tears. The red mark on her cheek is bright, it's obvious Samantha or one of her friends had hit her.
"I heard crying, then saw Sam and her friends leave. Are you okay, Cupcake?" She looks up at me, confusion still in her eyes. She starts tearing up again at whatever is running through her mind. I pull her into a hug, letting her cry as I wrap my arms around her. She's gripping my shirt and sobbing at this point, letting her emotions take over her so much that she doesn't care it's me holding her together. My heart aches even more as she leans on me for support.

The Secret Ingredient to Falling in Love
Teen FictionPublished 2022 📚✨❤️ Ebooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers available on Amazon ! ✨📚❤️ Highest ranking: #6 in the Teen Fiction section! "Just one kiss, everyday." "Just one?" "Just one." ***************** "Some things we cannot fix," he repeats. "...