Yesterday was Friday. Today is Saturday. No, I'm not Rebecca black and just stating the obvious. I swear I have a point, point is Zander gave me the note yesterday. Which must either mean he didn't know what day it was or he actually wants to take me out to lunch. After I finally gained some brain cells back in the closet, I made my way home and first thing I did was call Gina.Basically the conversation went like this:
"Hey G, I um need to tell you something."
"Sure, Sar! What up?"
"Well, Zander basically cornered me in the janitor's closet, kissed my cheek, then gave me a note talking about a lunch?"
I can still hear her screaming on the other line. My ears are still ringing. But that could also be from the fact she's in my room now, dancing around my closet screaming every now and then.
"Oh my gosh, Gina! You're going to make my ears bleed!" I lay face down on my bed and cover my ears with my pillow.
"Make your ears bleed?! What about my eyes?! Oh my gosh woman you need to go shopping again!" Even with my ears covered I can hear her throwing clothes out of my closet and onto the floor, making a giant mess in my room. "Eureka! This is it!!" She comes bouncing out of my closet holding a maroon long sleeved shirt, black leggings, and a pair of heeled combat boots. I didn't even know I had these clothes . . .
"Go put those on and I'll do your hair for you!" She pulls me up from my spot on the bed, pushing me towards the bathroom.
Now you may be wondering, "Well Sarah how do you know if it's a lunch or a date? What about the times and stuff?" Well dear friend, I'll tell you. On the back of Zander's note He had left his number for me to text him and ask what time. Only I wasn't the one who texted him. As soon as Gina found out what happened, she grabbed my phone and started typing away. Sadly, I had already saved his number so she had easy access to it as well.
So that leaves us where we are now, getting ready to go to the mall with Zander at 1:00. I change into the outfit Gina picked out then exited the bathroom to sit in my desk chair. She had it all set up with all kinds of hair clips and wands, eye liners and mascara. You name it, it was probably there.
"Okay, Sar! Just sit tight and I'll make you look so amazing Zander won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" Rolling my eyes, I grab a book out from under all the makeup and start reading. Gina starts working on my hair, giving it a slight curl at the bottoms. After she's done she turns me around to do my makeup, snatching my book and making me look up at her. She doesn't do much in the makeup department, simply swipes my lashes with mascara and does some winged eye liner.
After an eternity of Her swiping and brushing, finally she was done and turned me to see the finishing results.
Let me tell you, I look so . . . Different.
"Oh my gosh, Gina! What did you do to my face?! I look like a completely different person!" Gawking at myself in the mirror, I slowly reach up to touch my cheek. Only to have my hand slapped away by a slightly furious, slightly scared Gina."Don't touch it, you'll ruin it! O.M.G. You don't like it?! You don't like it. Oh no, I'm a terrible friend. I'm so so sorry, I'll take it off! I'll take it off! I'm so sorry!" She starts rushing around, spraying things with cleaners and starting to reach towards my face.
Screaming and ducking away from her hands, I not so gracefully fall off the chair and roll onto the floor. "No no no! G, it's fine! I look fine, thank you! Now get away!!" She stops short and busts up laughing at my crumpled figure on the floor.
"Oh my cheese balls, you literally rolled off the chair!" Her laughter is loud as she bends over clutching her stomach, makeup removers long forgotten.
I roll my eyes and get up, straightening my dress when the door bell rings. We both freeze, our eyes going wide. Gina rushes out the door and down the steps to answer it. Well, here goes nothing right? It won't be so bad, it's just lunch Sarah. Calm down, deep breathes, in and out!
Turns out, none of that worked because as soon as I made it to the bottom step I was about ready to faint again. Zander and Gina were standing at the door chatting away about who knows what, not even noticing me standing there almost ready to die. Maybe if I start backing up now they won't see me . . .
I spoke too soon. Zander's eyes looked up over Gina's head and spotted me slowly backing up the steps. His face lights up and he smiles showing his pearly whites.
"Where you going, Cupcake? The mall is this way." He grins up at me innocently, knowing exactly why I was backing up the steps.
Gina snickers at me silently, "Get down here already. Take care of her, and have her back her at least by 10:00!" I roll my eyes and trudge back down the steps and join Zander at the door.
He raises his hand and salutes her jokingly, "Yes, Ma'am!" They both laugh at their joke as Zander takes my arm in his and drags me off to his car.
"This way, Mi Lady." He grins at me and opens the car door for me. Here I thought chivalry was dead. A small smile makes its way onto my face as I climb into the sleek black Audi, my nerves slowly calming down the more I'm near him.
Zander pops into the car and starts it up. The radio instantly turned on blasting Victorious by Panic! At The Disco. One of my favorite songs and bands!
Fifty words for murder, and I'm every one of them.
I can't help but to nod my head along to the beat. My fingers tapping on my knees.
My touch is black and poisonous.
I glance over at Zander to see him also nodding along to the song, his fingers tapping along on the back of the steering wheel.
"And nothing like my punch, drunk, kiss I know you need do you feel it drink the water drink the wine!" I jolt in my seat from the sudden screaming beside me as Zander starts belting out the chorus. My eyes wide and my hand clutching over my heart, I finally overcome the shock. He looks over at me smiling sheepishly, "Sorry, I got a little carried away."
That's when it happened. That's when I burst into laughter so loud and obnoxious I was cringing on the inside but still laughing on the outside. Tears form in my eyes as I continue laughing, "Oh my gosh, that was so unexpected. Who would have guessed you were going to do that!" I bust up into another fit of giggles, Zander joining me soon after. More than likely laughing at me since I probably sound like a dying seal.
We arrive at the mall in record time. The parking spaces are pretty much filled other than the few empties here and there. Hopefully I won't see anyone from school here. Zander shuts off the car and steps out. Before I can even touch a finger on the door handle, he's on my side opening it for me. What a gentleman. Softly smiling to myself I hop out of the car and we start walking towards the mall.
I'm so lazy. Here's chapter 7!
Stay strong!

The Secret Ingredient to Falling in Love
Teen FictionPublished 2022 📚✨❤️ Ebooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers available on Amazon ! ✨📚❤️ Highest ranking: #6 in the Teen Fiction section! "Just one kiss, everyday." "Just one?" "Just one." ***************** "Some things we cannot fix," he repeats. "...