I haven't been able to fall asleep since the dream. More like nightmare. Every time I close my eyes, the images flash in my head and they open right away. I glance over at my clock to see it read 5:34 a.m., school doesn't start till 8:00 a.m. I want to sleep but there's no way I can.I pull out my laptop from my headstand drawer, logging onto Netflix to watch some Supernatural episodes. Maybe the sound of demon hunting will calm me down . . .
I snort at myself and start laughing at the thought, who knows? Maybe demon hunting is what soothes me at night. I relax against the wall and begin my morning with Sam and Dean's voices.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. Groggily I roll over and push the off button. I stretch my legs out only to kick the side of my laptop and almost send it flying to the floor. Thankfully, my blanket caught it and stopped it from falling. Problem is, said blanket is also wrapped around my leg. If I move, it goes to the floor. I bite my lip and slowly reach out toward my blanket, barely able to reach it but still able to grab a hold of it. I quickly yank on the blanket and pull it back up. Thank goodness, there there laptop, you're safe now.
I get out of bed and rush to get ready for school. The dream is still playing in my head, but I push it to the back of my mind. It was only a dream, okay? Just . . . Stop worrying about it.
Fifteen minutes later I'm ready to go and Gina is outside waiting for me. See, the dream isn't even coming true. I smile to myself and walk outside. Gina waves excitedly and beeps her horn, making me jump out of my skin and clutch at my heart. I see her start busting up laughing so I glare at her and march towards the passenger side. Opening the door was a mistake, considering that her laughter was so loud it could have made my ear drums bleed. I roll my eyes and slam the door shut, crossing my arms and pouting slightly.
"You could have killed me, I could have gotten a heart attack!" I glare towards her, then pout again. Her laughter grows louder, and she starts beating in the steering wheel.
Finally she calms down and wipes fake tears from her eyes, "Ah, maybe, but did you die?" She looks over at me with a devilish grin and puts the car in reverse.
"I almost did!" I screech, throwing my hands up in the air and looking at her with disbelief.
She nods in agreement but then glances over at me, "But did you?" Her knowing smirk makes me grumble in response and cross my arms angrily. Call me childish, I don't care, but she scared me! I have a right to be mad! She busts up laughing again at my expression.
I pout towards her again and mutter a low, "Whatever," and turn to look out the window until we pull into the school parking lot.
"Alright class, today we will be making a simple French Toast Recipe. I know, I know, you're probably thinking 'When will we get to actually make cakes and stuff?' Trust me, it'll be here soon enough!" He smiles and begins to explain how to properly make French toast then allows us to begin.
"How about you crack the eggs this time . . ." Zander gives me an innocent smile and hands me the eggs, taking care of the bread himself. I smile softly and nod, taking the eggs from him and cracking them onto the plate.
Grabbing the fork, I smile over at him and hold it out towards him. "Wanna mix up the eggs?" He smiles widely and nods like a little boy being given candy, then starts mixing the eggs while I get the bread ready and heat the pan.
After about five to ten minutes, we have two pieces of French toast made and even had some strawberries and banana's chopped up to place on top of them, giving it a nice look.

The Secret Ingredient to Falling in Love
Teen FictionPublished 2022 📚✨❤️ Ebooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers available on Amazon ! ✨📚❤️ Highest ranking: #6 in the Teen Fiction section! "Just one kiss, everyday." "Just one?" "Just one." ***************** "Some things we cannot fix," he repeats. "...