"Hey, Sarah?" I look up from my chemistry book to meet Keagen's eyes."Yeah?" I smile up at him, shutting my book and turning my full attention towards him.
His blue eyes looking nervously down at me, his smile hesitant. Awe, he's so cute when he's nervous. "I was uh - wondering . . ."
"Wondering . . ?" I smile up at him, my heart beating erratically in my chest. Wondering what??
He pulls out a chair from beside me and sits down, his knee bouncing up and down anxiously. Gently, he reaches forward and grabs my hand, awkwardly playing with my fingers. He looks over at me, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath then opens his mouth to speak,
"I was wondering - "
"Hey, guys! What - Did I interrupt something?" Gina plops down beside me, glancing between Keagen and I curiously.
"N-no you didn't it's okay, I'll find you later." He smiles at me and quickly gets up, leaving the library in a dash. I stare after him bewildered, then shake it off and turn to Gina with a smile.
She raises her eyebrow questioningly and points towards where Keagen scurried off, "What was that all about?"
I shrug and open my book again, paging through it to find my place. "No idea, guess I'll find out later."
Gina only hums in response, taking out her own book to study as well.
"Sarah!" I jump slightly and turn around, stopping along the sidewalk as Keagen runs up to me. I was just on my way home from school, seeing as Gina had to go home early and couldn't give me a ride, when he started running after me.
"Yeah?" I awkwardly pull my strap of my heavy book bag up onto my shoulder more, the thick material jabbing into my skin uncomfortably.
He catches up to me quickly and then smiles down at me brightly, "Mind if I walk you home?"
My cheeks flush bright pink and I shyly respond, "Sure, if you want."
He grins even more then points towards my bag, "May I help you with that?" My heart warms and I nod, taking the bag off my shoulder and handing it over to him. He slings it over his shoulder, making it look lighter than a feather. Such a gentleman he is.
"Thanks." I smile and turn, continuing my walk with Keagen walking beside me this time.
"You're welcome. So um - about earlier . . ." He trails off, as if stopping himself.
I look over at him curiously, "Yeah, you said you had a question?" I smile at his nervous state, his blonde hair lightly dipping down across his eyes as he walks, the freckles across his cheeks seeming more prominent in the evening light.
He bites his lip softly, sending my heart into overdrive. I look away, focusing on my feet hitting the broken up cement underneath them.
"Yes, I was uh wondering if uh . . ." He stubbles over his words, trailing off and looking down at his fingers nervously.
"Keagen, just spit it out already." I huff, looking over at him as the curiosity slowly kills me. My house shows up into view, the driveway only a few steps away. Oh, I should go in and watch some supernatural, or maybe read that new book I got last week!
Keagen grabs my hand and pulls me to a stop, his breathing heavy and uneven. He shuts his eyes tightly, then opens them and looks right into mine.
"I was wondering if you would go out with me Friday, as a date. O-or whenever you're free to, it doesn't have to be on Friday it can be whenever it doesn't really matter when I just - "

The Secret Ingredient to Falling in Love
JugendliteraturPublished 2022 📚✨❤️ Ebooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers available on Amazon ! ✨📚❤️ Highest ranking: #6 in the Teen Fiction section! "Just one kiss, everyday." "Just one?" "Just one." ***************** "Some things we cannot fix," he repeats. "...