Chapter 4. You're a not-so-sneaky ninja.

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". . . And when Abraham Lincoln became president. . ."

When will class end?

". . . Civil war . . ."

I really need to pee.

". . . American history . . ."



I rush to clean up my books and papers, then run out to the bathroom. I make it there, do my thing, and go to leave the stall when I hear more people come in. Great, more people. I just love people, not. I'll just wait here until they leave, that's logical right?

The girls start talking, about what I couldn't quite understand. I pull out my phone to check the time to find I only have five more minutes to get to my next class. Alright, You've already wasted time hiding. You need to get to class, so just man up and walk out of the stall. They're not going to hurt you . . . I hope. I take a deep breath, then reach to open my stall door. The girls start talking louder, making my hand to freeze.

"Did you see how the new guy looked at her? It was like he was hypnotized!" My breath catches in my throat, my hand dropping back down to my side.

I lean closer to the door as the other girl starts talking, "Yeah, I don't see what all the fuss is about. She's just an ugly nerd, who in their right mind would like that? They're all so buried in their books." The girl scoffs in annoyance, as if reading's the worst thing in the world.

Maybe she should read a book or two, the nerd always seems to get the guy...

My hand flies up to cover my mouth, half to cover my disbelief at the harsh words they're saying about this girl and half to hold back the laugh at my own thoughts. I shake my head at myself, she's not even here to defend herself! It was then that I heard it. The voice of Samantha Willow, the girl that hates my guts. Why? I've been asking myself that for years.

"Sarah doesn't deserve Zander. He's perfect. She's just . . . A fat, ugly, prude. Nobody - She's a nobody. What does he even see in her? What does anyone see in her? I'm perfect for him. We'd be the hottest couple in school! Isn't that right, girls?" I feel the the tears start forming in my eyes and the anger boiling in my veins. The realization of who they're talking about hitting me like a ton of bricks. She's been going around telling people I'm gross, weird, and just horrible to be around. It's no wonder why people avoid me in the hallways!

I reach for the stall door, quickly yanking it open so I can get out of here. The other girls are giggling and adding insults about me. All of that stops once they see me come out of the stall. Samantha turns around quickly, gives me a once-over, then smirks when she sees my tear streaked face. She stalks up to me, her friends laughing and leaning on the sinks. My body stiffens as she comes closer, my fists opening and closing. She stops a few feet in front of me, that smirk still prominent on her face. She laughs, reaching up to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. I flinch back, my eyes shutting tightly.

Please go away, please go away, please go away. I hate confrontation so much.

"What's wrong, little nerdy? Did I hurt your feelings?" I open my eyes as she fake pouts before laughing again and glances back at her friends.

A tear slides down my cheek as my hands start shaking. The others snicker and walk over to join in. Samantha reaches up again to tuck another loose hair behind my ear. She smiles at me as she plays with the strand of hair still in her hands. Her face turns serious, her hand grabbing more of my hair, pulling it to make me yelp in pain. I reach my hand up to pry her plastic nails off my scalp. Her expression turns into one of rage, one that had me shaking even more at what could come next. She gets closer to my face, "Stay away from Zander, or I'll make your life a living hell." She lets go of my hair, only to grab my chin, holding me in place so I can't get away. "Do you understand?"

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