I angrily shove the papers back into my locker for the fifth time, slamming the door in frustration. Gina sighs softly from beside me, starring off at the end of the hallway. I glance down as well, rolling my eyes when I see our star football player Kyle with none other than Keagen. Gina looks half sad, half disgusted with the sight before her. I lean against the locker and leaf through my science homework. I can't help but sigh loudly and shove the papers into my bag, my annoyance levels rising by the second."You know, just looking at him won't lead up to much," I muse softly, drawing Gina's attention towards me. She groans and leans back against the lockers with me, a sour expression painted across her face.
"I know but it's all the further I can get, I'm too chicken to do anything about it."
I huff a laugh and reach over to pat her shoulder, "Just go over and say hi, you don't know what'll happen!"
She snorts loudly, "I do know what'll happen, total embarrassment." We both look back down the hall at Kyle who is laughing and smiling widely at something Keagen said, "Besides, he likes Susan Hartly. It's just a matter of time before they're dating." Her shoulders slump in disappointment and she looks away sadly.
I smile softly and throw my arm around her shoulder, "You'll find someone, G, Kyle isn't the only nice guy here."
She looks up at me and smiles weakly, "Yeah, you're right." Her gaze slips back down the hallway. I think hard for a second, mentally scanning all the kids in my classes, then grin widely when I think of him. I quickly bump her slightly to bring her attention back to me. She looks back up and raises a silent eyebrow in question.
"What about Stan?"
She squints in thought then looks up at me with total confusion, "Who?"
I grin excitedly and nod, "Stan, he was at the party. He's super nice!" I pull my phone out of my pocket and show her the picture of my ping pong team. She stares at it for a second then lights up in recognition.
"Oh, Stan, I know him. He's in one of my classes I think, but isn't he supposed to be moving to Wisconsin or something?"
I deflate slightly, my eyes dropping down to the picture somewhat sadly, "Oh," I close out the picture and shove my phone back in my pocket.
I look up towards the voice calling me, my mood dropping darkly when I see Keagen making his way down the hall. Gina straightens up quickly and grabs my arm. I hold onto her tightly as we both turn around and basically sprint the other way, almost bumping into other students passing by.
"Sarah, wait up!"
No thanks, I choose life.
"He tried talking to you again?!" Zander fumes beside me, his voice an angry whisper so he doesn't get caught by the teacher.
I nod solemnly, "Yeah," I confirm softly, "I don't know what he expects though."
Zander scoffs a little too loudly, "He's expecting to get his ass kicked, that's what."
"Mr. Mills, is there something you'd like to share since you seem so adamant about talking?" The teacher raises his eyebrow at Zander questioningly. Zander looks to the front of the room and smiles tightly.
"No, Sir."
The teacher nods and points at both of us, "Good, keep it that way." He turns back to the whiteboard and Zander turns back towards me with a devilish smirk.
"I have an idea."
My eyes widen slightly at his evil tone of voice, "Zander . . . What're you planning?"

The Secret Ingredient to Falling in Love
Teen FictionPublished 2022 📚✨❤️ Ebooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers available on Amazon ! ✨📚❤️ Highest ranking: #6 in the Teen Fiction section! "Just one kiss, everyday." "Just one?" "Just one." ***************** "Some things we cannot fix," he repeats. "...