Chapter 32. So Long And Adios!

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"Soooo, how did it go?!" Gina excitedly sits down beside me, shoving her tray to the side so she can lean closer to me.

I swallow my fruit loops then grin widely, "It was amazing, I loved it so much!"

She squeals and bounces in her seat, "I'm so happy that you're happy!" She bouncing over to me and wraps her arms around me tightly, almost knocking us both off the bench.

"Woah! I can't tell if you two are overly excited or about to fight." Keagen blinks down at us, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips. I grin up at him happily, leaning forward to grip the edge of the table so we literally don't fall over.

"Nope, just overly excited." Gina and I say at the same time, surprising both of us. Keagen laughs loudly and takes his seat across from us, slowly picking at his sandwich.

His eyes flicker back and forth between us, his smile spreading across his cheeks. "What's the special occasion then?"

I blush brightly and open my mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Gina's loud squeal. "Her and Zander went on the big first date!" She claps her hands excitedly, a little too excitedly matter of fact, people are starting to stare . . .

I reach over and wrap my hands around hers to stop her loud clapping, my eyes flickering around the room to the prying eyes. Awwwkwaarrddd. Gina looks at me questioningly then looks around the cafeteria as well, her lips forming a silent 'oh' while she puts her hands in her lap. I look back over to Keagen to see that he's frowning down at his sandwich.

I gently rest my hand on his arm, causing him to jump and his muscles to tense. I take my hand back in surprise, my cheeks instantly flushing brightly again. "S-Sorry. Just wanted to make sure you're okay." I look down at my forgotten fruit loops, quickly taking a few bites of the sugary goodness before willing myself to look back up. It's only awkward if you make it awkward . . . Or if he makes it awkward? Okay, now it's awkward.

He clears his throat and shakes his head, his mouth now curling down into a frown as well. He seriously looks like he just heard that chocolate is no longer available. Well no, that'd be more tears than anger right? I mean like if it were me I'd be on the floor bawling my eyes out and wouldn't -

Gina rams her elbow into my side, effectively cutting off my train of thought. More like she stood in front of the train and just threw it off the track. Goodbye thoughts, ideas, and a few brain cells! So long and adios! You will be dearly missed. I look over at her with wide eyes, oblivious to what I did wrong. She gestures to Keagen with her eyes, silently telling me he spoke to me but I guess my lovely train of thoughts was blowing it's horn too loud in my brain.

I look back over to him with a sheepish smile, my hands fidgeting in my lap. He looks at me expectantly, obviously waiting for my reply. I awkwardly lick my suddenly dry lips, plastering on a wide smile. "Sorry, what?"

His frown turns into a huge grin, going all the way up to his eyes. "You're such a goof." He reaches out his finger, only centimeters away from bopping my nose when a hand comes out of no where and stop him mid-way.

"That's reserved for someone else." Zander pushes Keagen's hand away, taking a seat beside me and putting his arm around my shoulders almost protectively. I blush again, forcing myself to roll my eyes and shrug his arm off, throwing Keagen a small apologetic smile.

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