Chapter 35. Save The Nachos!

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I don't understand any of this.

More people cheer in victory when one of our players goes sprinting off down the field, a football clutched tightly to his chest while the opposing team chases after him. That just looks terrifying.

"Does anyone else not understand what's going on?"

Gina snorts and shakes her head 'no', "I have very little idea as to what is happening other than," She stops abruptly and jumps up in her seat, "OH! That guy just got hit!"

Zander laughs loudly, "For someone who didn't even want to come, you seem pretty excited."

Gina shrugs indifferently and sits back down, "I can't help it, I enjoy the slight undertones of violence."

I roll my eyes as a grin spreads across my face, "Of course you do, you violent chipmunk." She laughs in response and we all fall back into watching the game. So far, our team is losing by two points with only few more minutes till half time. I search the field for Keagen's number, but draw a blank. What number was he again? I frown and pull out my phone, checking the text with all the info again.

Game starts at 6:30 p.m. and admissions are five dollars per person. My number is 49 , hope to see you there! :) - Keagen

Zander rests his chin on my shoulder, his arm snaking around me and pulling my body against his chest. "What's that?" He questions into my cheek, his lips pressing small kisses against my skin. I smile softly and turn off my phone, looking back out into the field and leaning more into his hold.

"Keagen's text about the information, I still can't seem to find him on the field."

"I think I see him?" Gina squints her eyes and points towards the middle of the field, "39 was his number, right?"

I let out a small laugh, "No, 49. Maybe he's just on the sidelines right now?"

Zander breathes in deeply, causing chills to rise across my skin. "Don't worry about it, Cupcake. He'll be on the field soon enough."

I can't help the giggle that passes my lips. Turning slightly, I look back at him with a grin. "Sounds like you're jealous, fruit loop." Zander grumbles in response, hiding his face in the crook of my neck and tightening his hold around me so I can't turn around again. I catch Gina's eyes and we share knowing looks before both busting up into a fit of giggles. I reach back and lightly pat his hair, "Don't worry, I only have eyes for you."

I feel a slight pinch on my shoulder, causing me to squeak in surprise. Zander laughs and pulls away from my neck, his eyes shining in victory. I gap at him and touch my neck, my nose twisting up in disgust when my fingers are met with a wet spot.

"Did you just bite me?!"

He looks away innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about." I turn to Gina for help, only to get a wide grin before she looks away as well. I turn back towards Zander and smack his shoulder playfully.

"Just because you call me Cupcake doesn't actually make me edible."

"Well, technically, humans are edible." Gina adds in, grinning smugly when I give her a deadpan look.

Zander turns back around with a thoughtful look. Gina and I both raise an eyebrow at him while he stares off into the distance. He gets up suddenly, a few people behind us giving their protests. He looks back down at us and points towards the food stand,

"Speaking of edible, I'm gonna go get some food. Do you want anything?"

Gina gets up too, earning us some more unwanted attention from other students. She stretches slightly and grabs her bag, "I think I'm gonna go too, I'll meet you at the stand!" She quickly goes down the bleachers, disappearing into the crowd of people.

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