Chapter 25. If It Doesn't Feel Right.

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"Gina, have you noticed Zander acting . . . I don't know . . . Off lately?" I twirl my finger around the cord, a frown stuck on my face.

She hums, "Now that you mention it, yeah. He kinda has been off lately."

I grab the receiver and move as close to the couch as possible, stretching the cord to its limit. I know what you're thinking, why is there a cord on a phone?! Thing is, our house phone isn't updating considering: A. My parents like the old timey feel, and B. They're never home long enough to feel it needs replaced. Speaking of which, they should've been home by now.

"It just seems like he's been distancing himself from me, especially when I'm around Keagen. He hasn't even asked about the deal, which is a bit of a relief but then again, absolutely terrifying."

"Why is it terrifying?" She laughs at my expense, "Unless you want him to beg for the kisses, I don't see much of a problem here."

I sigh softly, "Yes, but he still has blackmail on me. Who's to say he won't turn around and expose it just because I neglected our deal? Even if he's the one not holding up his end?" I bite my lip nervously, eyeing up my phone from across the room. Maybe I should text him, ask him to come hang out?

"Ask him to hang out then, see what's wrong." She repeats my thoughts, crunching to be heard in the background.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Are you seriously eating chips right now?"

The crunching comes to a slow stop, "No . . ." Her guilty reply rings clear through the speakers, causing me to snort back a laugh.

"You don't sound very confident with that answer, try again?"

"Uggghhh, fine yes, I'm eating chips! Sue me!" She groans in defeat and starts crunching again. I laugh loudly and shake my head. This. This is why we're best friends.

I lean forward and grab my phone, quickly typing out a message. "Should I send this text?" 

I hear her move, a serious feeling settling over us. "Yes! But, what are you going to do about Keagen? Do you really like him?" She questions. Ahh, my brain hurts.

I groan loudly and drop my head down, "I-I think I do like him . . ." Butterflies flutter in my stomach, a small smile spreading across my face at the thought of Keagen's cute face.

"What about Zander, though?" She pushes. The butterflies quickly die, guilt setting in. What about him, do I like Zander too?

"I-I don't . . ."

"You don't like him?"

"I don't . . . I don't know, Gina."

She sighs softly, sympathy clear in her voice. "Follow your heart, Hun. It's the only one that knows for sure, if it doesn't feel right, then it's not."

"You're right." I nod in agreement, my heart feeling more at ease now. If it doesn't feel right, then it's not. "I'm gonna send the message, do you want to come over too?"

"Yes! I'll bring the popcorn and chips!" She excitedly squeals, crinkling of bags in the background piercing through the speakers. "See you in a few!"

"Okay!" I quickly get up and skip over to the receiver, gently setting it down and hanging up. I check my phone and hover my thumb over the button, excitement bubbling up inside me. Before I can hit the button, my phone buzzes in my hand telling me I received a message. I jump in fright, dropping into onto the floor while I clutch my chest. Good grievous, it's like it was watching me!

I pick it back up and check who texted me, a huge smile spreading across my face when I see the name flash across the home screen.

Hey :) -Z

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