Chapter 14. No Matter What.

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Zander's P.O.V.

"O-okay." She stares up at me and bites her lip, my eyes immediately darting towards the little bit of flesh between her teeth.

Why do girls have to do that, it's irritatingly adorable.

I turn my head to the side, giving her better access to my cheek. I watch her from the corner of my eyes, the doubt and fear clear in her eyes. Yet, determination flooding all of it out. Slowly, she leans forward, taking a deep breath in the process. Then she does it,

She kisses my cheek.

It wasn't what I was expecting. No, not at all. I was expecting slightly chapped lips, maybe a bit of spit left behind, but no. Her lips were so soft whilst pressed against my cheek. The small kiss so sweet, so innocent. It was like, like,

Like I was kissed by a gummy bear cupcake.

And damn it, I actually liked it.

Just as fast as it happened, it ended and I was left wondering why it ended so soon. Sarah was looking awkwardly down at her feet, her cheeks bright pink and her fingers twining together every few seconds. We both stand in silence, nothing but the sound of our breathing filling the space between us.

I finally come back to my senses and lean back, taking a small breath in as I do so. "Thank you, Cupcake." I smile and turn around, walking away before anything else can happen. Before I allow myself to let anything else happen.

I get on my bike and rev it up. Sarah finally starts walking towards her house, her face showing clear shock over what just happened. I don't blame her, I feel the exact same way too.

I shake my head of the thought, revving the engine again then taking off down the opposite way. Through my side mirror, I see her take a look back then shake her head too, turning and speed walking home.

I focus back on the road, my smile slowly dimming back into my stone cold mask the closer I get to the house. The house that I no longer can call home.

I pull into the driveway and shut off my bike. Walking up to the door, I get the key out and unlock it. Before opening it, I listen for any noise inside but hear nothing. Strange considering the car is still here.

I push open the door, beer bottles roll across the floor as the door pushes them back. I roll my eyes at the mess, bending down to pick them up. I gather up the five bottles there, then stand back up straight and walk to the kitchen. Empty pizza boxes and take out bags litter the table, dirty dishes piled high in the sink.

I sigh softly and shake my head, "Fucker can't even clean up after himself." I glare down at the sink, gripping the edge as the rage starts boiling. I take a deep breathe in, closing my eyes and thinking of something else, something that makes me smile. Before the rage can bubble over the edge.

I push off the counter and move towards the fridge. When I open it, the foul smell of, what seems like rotting eggs, hits me like a punch in the face. I choke back a cough and cover my nose with my arm, slamming the door shut and backing away. I could have sworn I saw flies in there.

I can't stay here, not right now anyways. I move towards the door, grabbing my keys and coat on the way out. I start up my bike then head back down the street. Slowly, I pass by all the buildings until nothing but trees surround me. I continue forward until I see the little pull off along side the road, leading a small path into the woods.

I pull over and park my bike, shutting off the engine and putting down the kick stand. I swing my leg over and get off, taking foot on the dusty ground beneath me. I pull my phone out of my pocket, No service. Just the way I like it. I smile down at the device then shove it back in my pocket.

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