"What are you doing?" I feel Gina touch my shoulder, breaking me out of the spell that one little kiss seemed to send me in.I turn around to face her, "Nothing. Are you ready to go?"
She raises her eyebrow in questioning, but lets the matter go and nods, "Yeah, I talked to my maths teacher about the test, turns out I was mistaken for someone else hence why he put an F on my paper. Thankfully, he fixed it to the correct percentage and I'm home free!" She skips towards her car and gets in, starting it up before I'm even able to touch the door handle.
"What was the correct percentage?" I get in and buckle my seat belt, staring out the window at the spot I was previously standing.
It was just one little kiss yet it felt like the whole world just kinda stopped for a second there. And the way he stood there afterwards makes me wonder, maybe he actually liked it? I was expecting him to immediately walk away, but he looked just as shocked as I was. Maybe -
"Sarah, are you even listening to me?" Gina snaps her fingers in front of my face then turns back towards the road, glancing over at me every so often to see if I'm still focused.
I shake my head and take a deep breath, "Yeah, sorry. What did you say?" I look over in time to see her roll her eyes.
"I said, I got one hundred percent on my test and even got to help - "
Maybe he'll ask me sooner tomorrow. Like in the morning before he goes in? Or some time around lunch? He wouldn't do that to me in front of people, would he? Gosh I really hope not that would be so embarrassi -
"Sarah!!" Gina yells at me and looks at me astonished, her mouth hanging open slightly and her eyes narrowed letting me know that she's not only annoyed but concerned.
"W-what?" I snap back into reality and see that we're parked in my drive-way. I sheepishly look over at Gina and whisper a small, 'Sorry.'
"What're you daydreaming about that is so important that you keep ignoring your best friend?" She narrows her eyes at me some more, "And it better be good, like, puppies or hot guys type good or so help me."
I laugh and shake my head, "It's nothing really, just that Zander made me kiss his cheek . . ." I bite my lip and wait for her screams of joy, but they never come. I look over at her confusedly and almost lose my cool when I see her face.
With her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide as plates, she stares back at me with total shock and a little bit of drool threatening to spill past her lip. Ew . . .
"You alright over there?" I raise my eye brow and reach over, using my finger to shut her mouth, "You were about to start dripping." I wrinkle my nose up in disgust at the thought, I can't stand spit.
"You and Zander . . . You kissed his cheek . . ." She blinks at me and gulps, looking like she just got kicked or something. What the heck is her problem? I thought she would be happy.
I furrow my eyebrows and nod, "Yeah, I did. I thought you'd be happy."
She gasps and places a hand over her heart, "Be happy?! Of course I'm happy! But I'm also upset!" She grabs my shoulders and pulls me closer to her, my body basically on her side of the car now and the console digging into my ribs.
"Good lord, woman! What are you - "
"I can't believe you kissed his cheek and didn't tell me before hand so I could watch!!" She shakes my shoulders and stares at me with astonishment.
"What?!" My eyes go wide and I push away from her grip, "You creeper! It wasn't like I knew it was going to happen anyways!"
She shakes her head and looks away with disappointment, "I can't believe you would do this to me. I was supposed to take pictures to show your future kids when their mommy and daddy had their almost first kiss." She crosses her arms and pouts while staring out the window.

The Secret Ingredient to Falling in Love
Novela JuvenilPublished 2022 📚✨❤️ Ebooks, Paperbacks, and Hardcovers available on Amazon ! ✨📚❤️ Highest ranking: #6 in the Teen Fiction section! "Just one kiss, everyday." "Just one?" "Just one." ***************** "Some things we cannot fix," he repeats. "...