I'm running through the flames, which roar high. They are wild and free, just like me. They wrap around me , comfortingly. A well known friend. Everywhere I look, there is scarlet and gold. Vivid colours and burning emotion. They flames are the embodiment of the fire-fey's way. I love it here, in between my brothers and sisters of flame, where, within, the spirits of our ancestors rest.
I spin around, laughing. I spread my arms wide, embracing the flames. I start to run again. My hair is on fire, and slowly turning into flames. My dress is not of cloth, but of flames. I am a flame.
Suddenly, I burst through the flames, and I screech to a halt. I've stumbled out of the fire, and into fog. Everything is grey. No wisp of colour is to be seen anywhere. It's completely lifeless. I turn, trying to go back. There is nothing, I am shrouded in fog. Gone is the vibrant colour, gone are the burning emotions, and gone is my energy.
I collapse, my energy drained. The floor is hard, and the cold fog makes me shiver after being exposed to the heat of the fire. The fog wraps and twists around me, but not in the way the fire did. The fog is inquisitive, and a bit hostile. But it curls around me, as if it wants to keep me. But I don't belong here. I'm am fire-fey.
"Child of Light" It whispers. "Stay. I will keep you safe."
I struggle, but with every movement, it wraps tighter around me. I know that I will not escape. There is nowhere to go, and fog is everywhere. I stop trying to get away and give in. The fog curls around me, happily.
"See?" It purrs. "You are safe. No one will ever find you again. There is nothing nowhere."
Just then a woman walks out of the fog. The fog slowly unwinds, as if it was just waiting for her. She is beautiful. Shining silver hair falls over her shoulders, and to the floor, her eyes are a silvery-blue and her dress is, well . . . silver. Her hands are slender as she reaches them out to me, and when I take them, they are soft. She smiles at me, a gentle smile, as I stand.
"Remember us, child." She whispers as she draws me close. "Find us, the lost ones, and be our salvation. We are the lost element. Fire-girl, find the others and lead. Spread your wings and be the burning justice the world needs. Find us."
"Missus! Missus, wake up." A voice outside my doorway wakes me up. "Missus, you'll be late for breaking your fast. Do hurry up."
I sit up with a yawn and stretch, blinking against the brilliance of the fire-kingdoms' morning. My fiery-red hair tumbles down my back and over my shoulders to the middle of my back in a messy tumble of fire. Of course, my hair isn't actually on fire, but it may as well be. Brilliance of colour in hair was well known among the royal women of the fire-kingdom. All fey had varying colours of hair, but the royals often had the colour of their element.
"I'm awake!" I call out to Maria, my maid.
"May I enter?" She asks, very politely.
"Yeah." I half yawn back.
She opens the door and gingerly walks in. Look at her would make anyone feel lazy. She perfectly dressed, and made up, and has a cheery attitude early in the morning. I, on the other had, am waking up late, grumpy, with messy hair and pajamas's still on.
"Let me help you get ready for your day, missus." She says to me, while cleaning up my mess I left last night with old clothes and such.
I sit on the rooftop of the castle. It's one of the highest places you can reach, and safe for most fey. Usually people don't mind me going up there, as they forget I don't have wings. If any other faerie fell off a roof, nothing would happen. But for me of course, it isn't the same. But I still love it up here.

Wingless [Complete]
FantasyRowena Hood. A fire-fey, who, in an odd twist of fate, simultaneously became the most powerful and powerless faerie. Coming from the strongest bloodline, she could move the sun, but was born without wings, which left her stranded on the ground. Whe...