Chapter 16: Fire to Water

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"Rowena." The same voice hisses, now inside my tent.

I groan and roll over, trying to ignore the voice. I was tired, and wanted to sleep, but I had no idea why. Even as I tried to contemplate it, my mind would not cooperate as I keep falling asleep. Oh, yes. Sleep.

"Rowena." The voice hisses again. "I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but I need to leave the camp and I can't even fly over the wall. Could you please just shut off the wall?"

I grumble. It seems this annoying voice will not shut up unless I do want they want. At the same time . . . I will probably have to wake up to do whatever the voice wants. I do not like the sound of that . . . so instead I pull the blanket over my head in an attempt to shut the voice out.

"She isn't waking up." The voice calls out, in a different direction.

There is silence for a bit, which I happily use to fall properly asleep again. That is until I hear some heavy footsteps become louder as they near me. Footsteps I immediately recognize. I would know those anywhere.

My ears are now fully awake. I hear the slight rustle of the tens flap being pushed aside as the large body squeezes itself into the tent next to the voice. This is a tent for one person so it beats me as to why there is enough room for me to lie down and two other bodies to fit without either of them stepping on me.

"Princess, it was not wise to use your energy to keep a wall of fire going for the whole night." Lucas's voice laughs softly. "Come on, shut it down so that Corrin and Isabella can get out."

"I will wake her up." Lucas says to someone else. "The wall will be down soon, Corrin."

Ah, the voice belonged to Corrin.

I heard Lucas shift around in the tight confines of my tent. Then a hand reached out and brushed my hair back from my face as I just lay there on my stomach, my face turned to the side. I felt as my hair got softly tucked behind my ear.

"Princess." Lucas's voice whispers right next to my ear and I shiver as his breath tickles my ear. "I know you can hear me. Wake up for a few minutes, will you? I promise that you can go right back to sleep. We will all leave you alone after you do one little thing for us."

They will let me sleep in peace if I do one little thing? I shoot up instantly, still half asleep. I just sit there for a few seconds as I let the dizziness from the sudden movement pass. I shake my head once it's clear.

I look over my shoulder and see Lucas sitting on the floor, rubbing his nose. Whoops. I must have hit his nose when I had sat up suddenly.

He looks a lot more relaxed than usual. He sits there causally, one hand propped behind him, in casual clothes. I am surprised to see that he is dressed in loose casual pants and shirt on with no shoes.

I realize I had been staring at him and I quickly look away, embarrassed, even though I was only staring at him in astonishment. As I scrambled out of my tent, I decided to blame the staring on my sleepiness.

The very moment I step out of my tent, I squint my eyes when the bright sunlight suddenly hits them and blinds me. I squint, trying to see without becoming blind.

"Stop being so dramatic." Lina laughs from behind me.

I just turn around and glare at her. Everyone is laughing at me. What is so funny?

"If you just put out the wall of fire, the light will diminish dramatically." She informs me.

I decide to finally put out the wall of fire. I crouch down, put my hand onto the ground and pull the fire back into me. That is not what really what happens, but I guess that the only way to really describe what is happening.

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