Chapter 19: Firey Arguments

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Ah the irony . . . start listening to this song when her dream starts please! (Get it now? No? Okay . . .) Do you like to photo?I hope you have fun reading! Okay . . .

Bye Bye!

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We had all left as soon as Kaylie had gotten ready. That had been a while after lunch. Now the moon has risen and we were all huddled around the bonfire.

Kaylie has left soon after standing up for us at lunch. She had sat down normally to eat, but lunch was rather tense. After all, her parents did not approve of her leaving the kingdom.

Strangely enough . . . they hadn't uttered a word against her statement. Against their will, they let her leave without an argument. In some ways it seemed respectful and kind but in a different way . . . it was almost as if they were glad. For whichever reason, I knew not.

Kaylie, like all the rest of us was sent off with a few strings of ECs. There was almost no fussing around and she was quickly haven essentials by the maids. Soon thereafter there were a few quick and formal goodbyes and Kaylie left in an almost joyful mood. This shocked me as I had grown up with the exact opposite. I reason that she would probably also be surprised if she watched my parents doing their preparations for me and the way they said their goodbyes.

I was fine during the flight. Lucas's wings kept me warm. It was the same as in the way there. But I had noticed one really big difference when we landed. It was cold.

And when I say cold, I don't mean a little chilly or breezy. That was the temperature in Aires. Up here there was show in the ground and ice hanging off trees.

When we had settled down for the night, I had created a wall of flame again, and melted most of the ground. I couldn't do anything about the air, though. It was still freezing. Even Kaylie was slightly cold.

I had found a very thick blanket in my EC's and had wrapped around myself and Lina. It was much better to share body warmth. I could just use my power but I did not want to use up all my power and neither did I want to accidentally burn up the whole camp. It was much safer to just share body heat and snuggle under a warm blanket.

I looked at us all and felt a warm feeling inside. It could have been the fire but it could have been something else. Something like Kaylie making the effort to cook us all a meal even though we had gold-EC's to eat. Something like Corrin gently holding his sister warm as she slept. Something like Lucas taking care of everyone under the pretense of doing his job.

With all these warm feelings inside, warming me up through the cold, I drifted off to sleep.

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I was there again. In the field of grey, cold, desolate smoke. The fog that had held me captive when I had stepped out of the fire. The grey that had hurt my eyes because of it's dullness. The surrounding that had frightened and bored my at the same time. But this time, something was different.

There. On the horizon, was the fire forest. The same one that I had run out of. I get up, expecting to be held down my the fog, but I could move freely. I scramble to my feet and run. Run towards the forest of flame. As I near it, I can feel the warmth radiating off it. I quicken my pace, happy to find it again.

I burst through the wall of flame, welcoming the warmth. But I did not feel warmth and happiness. Instead, the flames scortched my skin and burned painfully. I shrieked as the pain consumed me and I ran back he way I came. The only goal being to get out the only thing I was thinking of.

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