Chapter 18: The Water Representative

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The elderly maid, whose name I now knew was Ether, did a wonderful job on taming my hair and correctly tying my dress. Even if she was a little eccentric, she was quite grandmotherly-like and endearing. She knew many old stories and a huge amount of gossip. It was quite funny to see the elderly Ether gossiping like the younger generation of the nobles.

As soon as she had finished with getting me ready, I thanked her and left, wanting to get back to the entrance hall. I went back the way I came from the entrance hall, retracing my steps to get down to the entrance hall where I am sure everyone else has returned to after looking at their rooms. After all, the meeting with Queen Francesca was due to start soon.

After a few moment of walking back towards the main hall I crash into something . . . or someone. I stumble back and I trip. The floor comes rushing up to me and I think I am about to fall until arms wrap around me, effectively catching me and stopping my tumble. I look up into a pair of familiar eyes.

"Corrin." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth and I mentally slapped myself for sounding like a an idiot. "That you for catching me."

He pulls me up until I am standing properly again. I quickly step out of the circle of his arms and straighten myself out. I quickly check that everything is in place, my heart still beating fast.

"Are you lost as well?" Corrin asks, making me look up in surprise.

"Lost?" I repeat, dumbfounded.

"Yes, lost." Corrin laughs. "This place is quite big, wouldn't you say?" He gestures around him. "I certainly got lost. I was just wandering around now. I have no idea where I am."

"Well I certainly do." I turn around and he is quick to follow.

I hear quite laughter behind me and turn around to face him again. "What?" I ask, curious.

Corrin quickly stops laughing. "Oh well, you know . . . I just remembered that you never got lost in the people's homes. You could always find your way around my home without any trouble."

I shrug. "Yes, I suppose I could."

We walk a while in silence. All that could be heard is the echo of shoes as they hit the floor. A few moments later I can already see the entrance hall. I quicken my pace and hurry back to everyone else. Just like I had anticipated, everyone was there already, waiting for me and Corrin.

"Did the girl-who-is-famous-for-never-getting-lost get lost?" Lina laughs, clapping her hand gleefully. "Finally!"

"No, Lina." I reply, crossing my arms across my chest. "I did not get lost. You should know that. I just had to get changed because I somehow fell into the water."

Isabella steps forward. "Rowena, I'm so . . ."

"Stop, Isabella." I raise a hand and cut her off. "I know. It was a joke."

She just peers at me for a moment. I sigh. Of course, Isabella did not understand humor quite as much as Lina or even Corrin. Although . . . she did understand it much more than Lucas did. I didn't even try to joke with Lucas. That was hopeless. But then again . . . he had made a joke or two in the last week . . .

"You should lighten up a bit, sister." Corrin tells her from behind me.

She glares at him. I step forward to diffuse the situation before this all explodes. That would not be a good situation to have. Two angry and strong wind-fey in a closed space.

"Alright, that's enough. Does anyone know where Queen Francesca is?"

No one answers. We all just look at each other wondering if the others knew. No one did.

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