Chapter 19

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~~Chapter 19~~

I groaned. Why did my head hurt so bad? I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Wait, this wasn't my ceiling. Where was I? I tried to sit up, but I instantly regretted it when my head began to throb.

"Mary, she's awake." I heard a woman say.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer and a lady's head came into my vision.  "Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling?" she asked me. 

"Like crap." I answered honestly. She laughed. 

"Well, you're in the school hospital. Do you remember what happened?" 

I nodded a little. "Kind of. I got really sick, but when I got to the bathroom, Sheila slammed me into a wall or something." the nurse looked at me and nodded.

"Unfortunately she pushed you into a mirror, not a wall. You had to get 23 stitches." she said sadly. I instantly felt sick. Blood was not my thing. 23 stitches? I didn't know it was that bad.

"There's not blood on me is there?" I asked, worried.

She shook her head. "Of course not. We already washed your hair and changed you out of your dress." she said. I nodded gratefully. "Now we're gonna keep you here for another night so we can make sure you're alright, and then we'll send you back to school, okay?" she asked. I nodded. "Now you just relax while I go get some food for you." she said.

"okay." She walked away, then came back with a tray full of food. She lifted my bed so it was in a sitting position, and swung a table over me, setting down the tray. "Thank you," I told her. She smiled.

"No problem. Tell me if you need anything." she told me as she walked away. I took this moment to observe my surroundings. I was in a large room, and there were a lot of beds separated by a curtain. I looked to my right and jumped a little. On the bedside table there were two cards, flowers, and some get well soon balloons. I picked up the first card and read it. It was from all of my teachers. They decided to get a card and signed it for me. At least my teachers cared about me. I picked up the next card and read it also:

Get well soon, Destiny. I hope these flowers and balloons will brighten your day.


Aw, that was so sweet. He got me flowers and balloons. I didn't know Zach cared about me that much. I smiled to myself and picked up the flowers. It was a mix between roses, daisies, tulips, and lilies. They smelled amazing. I set them down and stared at them again before turning to my food. I was starving. 



Thanks for reading! :)

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