Chapter 1

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Y/N: your name
Y/F/N: your friend's name
Y/B/N: your boyfriend's name
Y/N's P.O.V.
You groaned and stretched, pushing the sheets off of you and got out of bed. 6:30am. Ugh, I hate school. Why does it have to be so early? You slip on your massive jumper and pad out to the kitchen. You grab a bowl out of the cupboard and grab your Milo cereal. (Milo is a chocolate powder, for anyone reading who isn't Australian. It's also been made a cereal. You people in different countries are missing out.) You grabbed the milk out of the fridge and sat down and had your breakfast.
~time skip~
"Settle down class. It's the first day back and you're already acting like fools." The teacher scolded the students in your class. You rolled your eyes at the teacher and struck up a conversation with your best friend, Mark. "So Mark, how was your holidays?" "Pretty good. I had to stay at my grandmother's for two weeks because my parents went away for work. Other than that was pretty good. What about you?" "Yeah it was ok. I dumped Haali's butt because he kept ignoring me and 'talking' with other girls." "Oh, that would've sucked." "Not really. It did hurt after awhile but I got enough sense he wasn't good enough for me." "That's good. I would've bashed him if he had hurt you in any way." "Thanks Mark. Your the best friend anyone could have." He smiled shyly and then the lesson began. 
Was it good? I know I changed it because I had a brain inspiration and I had to get rid of all my work but in the long run it's ok. Hope you enjoy it!!

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