Chapter 14

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Y/N's P.O.V.
Jack and Tori managed to help keep the wound from bleeding too badly while I tried to keep calm. I often asked Jack and Tori if they needed help but they said I needed to calm down first, otherwise I would be no help at all. Not helping Mark made me more stressed. I wanted to help, but I needed to get it under control first. And that wasn't going to happen while Mark was still lying there pale as a white sheet. "Guys, we need to get him home. Nowhere in this place will help him stop bleeding." "Ok. I'll carry him." "You sure, Jack?" "Positive." Tori nodded and came over to me and kept me stable. Tears continued to fall but I didn't stop them. I couldn't stop them. Jack and Mark disappeared and then Tori walked us up to the opening. The last thing I saw was a piercing bright light.
~time skip~
I woke up to find myself in Mark's bed. All I could smell was the smell of Mark. (He smells like whatever you want it to be) I pushed my face into his pillow and breathed in his scent. Mark, why can't you be lying next to me? I miss you. I looked at my phone and saw the time. 8:30am. Ugh. I turned my head and saw Tori snoring away on the ground. I jumped out of bed and shook Tori awake. "Tori, where's Jack? Is he with Mark? Where's Mark? Is going to be okay? What happened after I fainted?" "Jack and Mark are at the hospital. They're alright. Calm down. We're seeing them today." Breathing a sigh of relief, I went out to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. Tori came downstairs and joined me for breakfast. We went upstairs and got dressed. "Now, do you want to take my car, or yours?" "Can we take mine? I need to make sure it still runs properly after however long I haven't used it." "Ok, let's go." We jumped in the car and Tori gave me directions for the hospital. We arrived and went to Mark's ward. I saw Jack waiting outside and hug Tori. He hugged me and led me inside. Mark was laying on his bed, hooked up to a machine, looking bored. Tori greeted him and asked questions. I stayed behind the curtain, not wanting to interrupt them. "Did-Did Y/N come?" "Yeah, she did, she's right her- Y/N?" I stepped out behind the curtain. "I didn't want to disturb you." I walked over to Mark trying not to cry. He pulled me in for a hug and stroked my hair. "I missed you." "I missed you more." "I highly doubt that." "It's true! It is physically and scientifically true that I would and can miss you more because I am bigger." "Why do you have to make things so complicated, Mark?" He laughed loudly, making me giggle. "When do you get out of hospital?" "A week or two, maybe?" I pouted and he chuckled. "It's not that long." "It is. You won't be at school and I'll be lonely." "You have Tori and Jack." "Yeah, I know, but it won't be the same. I want you there." "I'll be back soon. I promise." I jumped up onto his bed and cuddled him. He wrapped his arm around me and held me closer.
~time skip~
A nurse walked in and opened the curtains. "I'm so sorry dear, but visiting hours are done. I am going to have to ask you to leave. But, if you come back tomorrow, I might make an exception." "Thanks. See you, Mark. I'll come back tomorrow." "See you, Y/N." I walked out and back to my car. Jack and Tori has obviously left. I drove back home all the way thinking. I pulled up at my house and tried the doorknob to see if it was unlocked. It was so I opened the door and dropped my stuff in my bedroom. "Amy, Dad, I'm home." "Y/N!" "Billie!" She crash tackled me in a huge bear hug. [A/N: Billie, Harper are your sisters. Isaac is your brother; mum's son] "Y/Nny!" "Harper!" "Where were you, Y/N? Were you over at Tori's house?" "No, I was sleeping over at my friend, Mark's house. But Tori was there." "Did you have fun?" I broke out in a smile because I couldn't hold back anymore. The look of utter seriousness on Billie's face was priceless. "Yes,Billie. I did have fun." I went into the kitchen and saw my dad Malin breakfast for the little ones. "Hey, Dad. How was yesterday?" "Hey, Y/N. Pretty good. Aunt Linda's having another baby." "Really? Awesome." "Do you want anything for breakfast?" "Yes please, I'm famished." Dad cooked breakfast while I entertained Billie and Harper. I got a call from Tori saying Mark would be out of hospital at the start of May.
~time skip~
All day I had been thinking of Mark. Nonstop. I constantly got distracted and  dad had to repeat himself several times. Once I had managed to stop distracting myself Dad, Billie, Harper and I went to my grandparents house. We had so much fun. There was fruit cake, piklets, sandwiches, muffins, cupcakes and passion fruit slice. (It's the best) After a long day out and a stressful yesterday, I was super tired and took a nap after we got home. My Dad woke me up and everyone had dinner. I went to bed and fell straight asleep thinking of Mark.
I have changed the perspective. Instead of 'you' it's now 'I'. I'm finding it a lot easier to write like this. Also, I would like to point out the fact that this story had 125 reads as I'm writing this now. It is now currently 4:01am(Australian Eastern Pacific) as I write this now. Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying(I hope). I hope you enjoyed the previous chapters and I hope you enjoy the chapters to come. Thanks so much! I'm writing weirdly because I'm half asleep soz.

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