Chapter 21

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Y/N's P.O.V. "I would never think that. I don't care. Why would you think I care?" "Because...."
"Because?" "Because you're so all about games and... I just want to know what you're talking about. Instead of... You know, just being the girlfriend that has no idea what her boyfriend's hobbies and passions are. Oh god, that made no sense." "Well it made sense to me. But it's stupid. I would never think that, Y/N. Ever. I wouldn't care if you couldn't play video games or not. I would still love you." "Really?" "Really." He opened his arms for me and I went straight into his embrace. It felt like home. "Hey Y/N, you don't have any homework, do you?" "No, why?" "Can you help me catch up please? After me being in the hospital ages I've kind of fallen behind on homework." "Haha. Sure I'll help."
~T-I-M-E S-K-I-P~
{It's Monday now btw}
Packing up my stuff quickly, I rushed out the door of the classroom quickly to get to the train station on time. Soccer training was on tonight and I couldn't miss my train. I finally got to the station and caught my breath. Now all that was left to do was wait for the train.
~T-I-M-E S-K-I-P~
Plugging my headphones in, I sat down on the nearest seat on the train. Pressing play on my favourite song, I brought out my book and began reading. [A/N: you can pick the song if you want a different one, but I'm picking Car Radio by Twenty Øne Pilots] Stop after stop, I listened to my music and read. I was hoping training wasn't going to be too cold. [A/N: you trains at night]
~T-H-E- N-E-X-T- D-A-Y~
Yawning, I blearily peered around the dim light of my room as I wacked my alarm to make it shut the hell up. Getting dressed was a struggle. "Amy! Is my lunch in the fridge?" "Freezer!" "Thanks!" Slipping on my tights I walked out and grabbed my lunch. I checked the time to see how much time I had left. 7:00am. Great. Enough time. Packing my lunch and slipping on my shoes, I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. Checking my timetable, I grabbed the necessary books and packed them. I put my jumper on and my favourite bracelet. "Billie! Have you had breakfast yet?" "Yes!" "So that's a no." "But I-" "Billie, you've never had breakfast when I ask you. What do you want?" "Weetbix please." Grabbing a bowl, spoon and the cereal I made her breakfast. "How many?" "2 please." Breaking up two pieces of Weetbix, I poured the milk in and the spoon. "Here you go. It's ready." I checked my watch to see if I still had time. 7:20am. "Amy is Harper ready? I have enough time to drop her off." "Yes, she's almost ready." [A/N: Billie is in Yr 4 and Harper is in Yr 2] Grabbing an apple, I crunched into the sweet juicy flesh and skin. "Billie, are you ready to go?" "Yep." "Come on, I don't want to be late."
~T-I-M-E S-K-I-P~
Eventually I pulled up to the school and found a parking spot. I jumped out and went looking for Tori. Finally, I found her. "Tori!" "What!" Are you coming to study?" "For?" "For the exams, stupid. The exams that can get us a good job if we pass but can get us a poor life if we fail. You know, those ones?" "Ohhhhh..... Yeah I'm coming."
[A/N: This was at the beginning of their school year.]
"Listen class. This is very important. Your final exams or your HSC's are at the end of this year. I want out to study as much as possible so you can get the job you want." Loud groans echoed around the room. I stifled a giggle as the teacher sighed in exasperation.
~B-A-C-K T-O N-O-R-M-A-L~
"Hey, Chelsea. We need to talk." Mark looked worried and frustrated. It scared me. He didn't normally look this. "W-Wh-What is it, Mark?" "After school, I.... I got offered a job. A permanent one.And I accepted." "Oh cool! What kind of job?" "I'm going to be a YouTuber." "Oh a YouTuber! That's cool! What are you putting on YouTube?" "I'm going to be a gamer. But my job.... It's in America." "I don't- I don't understand. What do you mean America?" "I mean for me to properly work on this job, i have to move to America. To live." I couldn't understand this. Why would he want to leave? "I'm really sorry. I'll miss you. Never forget that I love you." My world was whole a minute ago. Now it was in pieces and I had no clue on how to fix it.
TA DA!! THE END!! Bet you weren't expecting that! I am doing an epilogue but basically this is the last proper chapter. I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did writing it. Thank you to everyone that supported me by reading the story or just generally supported me. I will be writing a sequel but I do have a few projects lined up in the process so if you liked this one look out for the next. Ok I'll go now and stop rambling. BAII Stay street. 

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