Chapter 13

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Y/N's P.O.V.
You held onto Mark for dear life, trying not to be swept up in this horrific wind. Suddenly, a pair of cold, strong hands gripped you around the waist. They pulled harshly against you causing you to scream out in pain and making you lose your grasp on Mark. The hands pulled and pulled until you couldn't see anything. A bright light flashed and you could hear Mark, Jack and Tori. You tried to call out to them but your mouth had a gag over it. Eventually, you managed to get the gag off. You heard Mark, Dark, Jack and Anti all talking and listened in to their conversation.
Third P.O.V.
A pile of weapons slid to their feet. Mark looked over at Jack and he shrugged, leant down and picked a few. Mark copied him until they were both armed and ready. Mark looked up at Dark, glaring at him for what he done. "Stop looking at me like that Mark, when you lose you'll be the one thanking me and asking me to look after Y/N. Now hurry up. We don't have all day." "If I die, I'm not going to be the only one dying, Dark." Mark spat back at him, with as much spite as possible. "Come on, Dark. Let's get this over with, already." Anti complained. And with that, Dark leaned down and rushed towards Mark, while Anti rushed towards Jack. Mark and Jack held up their weapons, prepared to fight to the death. Sword clashed on sword, blade clashed on blade, it was probably the closest fight in the history of war. Each time Dark or Anti drew a new weapon and swung it at Mark and Jack, they would be stopped because Mark and Jack were too fast. "You will be defeated!" "In your dreams, Dark."
Mark's P.O.V.
My heart beat unsteadily as I fought for my life. The clash of metal resounded around the room. I grabbed a small, blade with a curved handle out of my pocket. Dark charged at me and I held the blade, ready to swing. As soon as he was close enough, I took a huge swing, creating a big cut across his face. Dark was distracted for a second before stabbing me in my side. I screamed, but slashed at his heart. A terrific roar thundered around the room until finally Dark melted into a dark smoke, entirely disappearing. I stood there panting, looking at the spot where Dark was just standing. Another roar sounded around and I looked over at Jack who had finally beaten Anti. "Jack! It's over. It's really over." Suddenly a bright light appeared above us, and I knew it would take us back home. "Jack! We have to find Y/N and Tori quickly before we get taken back home!" "Mark!" "Y/N!" Y/N came running out of the shadows and a weight on my shoulders and heart I didn't know had been there lifted. She crashed into my arms, and I held her like I had never hugged her before. "I'm so sorry. I will never let anything happen to you ever again." A throbbing pain in my side alerted me, making me almost yelp in pain. I gritted my teeth and smiled for Y/N. "Y/N... Y/N... Y/N." I managed to stutter out before collapsing. "Mark!" I heard Y/N scream out before I blacked and everything went dark and cold.
Y/N's P.O.V.
"Mark!" You screamed out before he collapsed on the floor. "Jack! Tori! Help me! Mark's hurt! Come quick!" "Huh? What's going on, Y/N?" "JUST HURRY UP! MARK IS DYING!" You screamed, distraught. Tears streamed down your face and your hands searched where Mark was hurt. You found his stab wound and gasped. It was horrific. Looking at it made you cry even more. Jack sprinted over with Tori and gasped. "Please.. Please help... Please help him. I-I-" You couldn't finish the sentence. You didn't want to think it could be true. It wasn't true. He was alright. He would be alright. "Y/N... I-.. I love you." It made you cry more, because you didn't want it to be true. "Please Mark. Please stay. Stay here with me. Don't go. Please stay."
I'm evil. Oh so evil. Sorry this took so long to write, I've been working on another project of mine. I just published a new story, Last steps, that I'm super proud of. Please check it out if it sounds interesting, (ps it's not a fanfic, it's just romance.) and I hope you liked this chapter! See ya!

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