Chapter 18

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(The beginning is before the present)
Mark's P.O.V.
Groaning, I rolled over and felt a sharp stabbing pain in my side. I sat up abruptly, clutching my side. I reached for the button to call for help. A few minutes later, a nurse came rushing in. "Yes dear, what seems to be the matter?" "My side-it's hurts." "How much? On scale of 1-10." "9" "Oh dear. I'll get you some pain killers to make it go away." Before I could say anything, a doctor walked in and stood at the side of my bed. "What seems to be the problem?" "My side hurts." "Hmm. I'll have to check it just to make sure it's not infected." He lifted up my top and his face went pale. "Wh-what's wrong? Am I going to be okay?" "It's infected. If you're going to be okay, that I can't tell." "What will happen?" "You'll need to have an operation."
Y/N's P.O.V.
I tossed and turned, unable to get to sleep. Mumbling under my breath, I reached for my phone and checked the time. 1:29. Brilliant. Just what I needed. I grabbed my phone and opened up the message app.
Mark 💜 1 new notification
M: Mark Y: you
M: hey I have some bad news
Y: what? :(
Y: YAY! How is that bad news?
M: I was tricking you ;)
Y: -_-
M: :')
Y: very funny
M: oh trust me it is
Y: why are u up at this time?
M: why are YOU up at this time?
Y: can't sleep.
M: aw why not :/
Y: too worried about you
M: aww thx babe <3 :)
Y: ur welcome
M: get some sleep
Y: alright
M: <3 goodnight princess
Y: goodnight <3
Locking my phone, I placed it back down on my bedside table and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
~time skip~
Waiting at the bus stop was freezing. Shivering, I rubbed my arms to keep them from freezing. Dammit Mark, why did you have to steal my jumper? Finally, the bus arrived and I hopped on, grateful for the warm air. I sat down next to Tianna, and we talked the whole way to school. (A/N: Tianna is her cousin)
~at school~
"Y/N!" "Jack?" "Y/N, I've been looking for you everywhere." "Why?" "I need you to help me convince Tori that I still love her. She caught me just as I was trying to get Ellie off me." "Why were you trying to get-" "Long story. Please can you help me?" "Um.... I'll try."
"Thank you so much." I walked away and looked for Tori. "Tori!" "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I looked at the group of people she was sitting with. "In private?" She walks over bewildered. "Tori, I have to say one thing before we begin. Please, please, please, just let me talk okay? I will let you contribute? But please let me finish." "Okkkkkk?" "Okay. Tori, what's been going on between you and Jack? It looks like you're falling apart over something that wasn't his fault. Now we both know; he's a good guy. Don't deny it, because we do. I honestly want to know why you just won't talk to him and fix the problem? Are you going to stay angry at him like this forever? I don't think so. You're not capable of being that solid. You couldn't be that angry with just one person forever. Look, I know you're hurting from whatever happened. But you need to let that go. The reasons why it's hurting is because you won't let go, and the pain of it sticks around and can become permanent. If you just forget all about it, forget like it never happened, the pain goes away." "It's not that simple. He was kissing Ellie, okay? How the hell am I meant to let that go?" "Just forget it Tori. Forget all about it. Don't think about Ellie at all. She's the source of the problem. And you know why she was kissing him? To get at you. She's trying to break you guys up. Don't let her win, Tori. Jack's trying to reconnect with you, and show you that he does really care about you, but you keep pushing him away at every chance. Just let down those walls and let him in. If those walls come down, Ellie won't have won." "So you're saying that Ellie's playing mind games with Jack and I?" "Exactly! That's exactly what she's doing!" "Then I won't let her win. Where's Jack?" "Somewhere." She walked off to find Jack. Sighing, I sat there waiting for the bell to ring thinking of Mark.
Hope you guys liked! I wanted to make it longer but I ran out of ideas so this will do for now. Happy reading!!

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