Home Tonight

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I put my hans over my nose and mouth, and instantly began to cry. I stared into Steven's big beautiful brown eyes, who was still waiting on an answer, but I couldn't speak. I just nodded my head.

He grinned really wide, and took my hand, placing the ring on my finger. I stood very slowly to my feet, and Steven scooped me up into a big bear hug, and kissed me passionately as the crowd went wild. 

"I love you so much, Mia." He whispered into my ear, and then kissed me again. 

I couldn't stop tearing up, and I just stood there, in shock, looking like an idiot. 

Steven chuckled and just wiped away my tears, and then kissed my nose. 

I couldn't believe it. I won American Idol, and got engaged to the love of my life, who just so happens to be Steven Tyler, all in one night. 

Eventually, the show ended, and we all went back stage. 

My family, and the rest of the band came back stage to congratulate me, and freak out over the ring. 

I was still in such shock, I couldn't even speak I just smiled and nodded, while Steven clung to my side, holding me up in case I fainted. 

We went back to the mansion, and packed all of my stuff up, I hugged Lauren and Scotty goodbye, we exchanged numbers, and promsied to keep in touch.

Steven and I left to go back to our L.A home.

We went to bed early that night, and as was promised, not a lot of sleeping was done. 


I woke up around 3 in the morning, with a sleeping Steven next to me. I looked over at him in this state of perfection. He seemed so happy, so peaceful, and I couldn't help but notice how his feelings were an exact refliction of mine. I was finally worry free. I knew we were both incredibly in love, and we were getting married. But the one daunting question remained.

Now that I'm some big star, and I've got this great record deal, will I be able to keep up with the family that Steven so desperately desires?

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