Ooh, look! I was tagged!

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It's the 13 question tag thing!

Tagged by KauiSTEGO

The rules are generally the same on all these tag things so I'll just sum it up.

-post the rules
-answer all 13 questions
-give 13 questions
-tag 13 people
-do it within a week
-have a creative title

-also my rule: you don't have to feel pressured to do this

1. What are you most proud of? Unless you suck infinately (like I) there probably something.

You don't suck, you're awesome! I'm not really sure, but probably that time when I walked around my house playing Space Oddity by David Bowie on ukulele with my cat sitting on my back. That was fun. *cringing at a typo, sorry*

2 What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done.Ever.

Umm... Idk. Probably a few years ago I was walking with my friends on a ferry and I was just following as we wandered aimlessly and then I realized that we walked into the men's bathroom(it was before I knew I was trans) and I freaked out and ran and hid from them for the rest of the trip but we just laughed about it later.

3. Are you an Awkward Turtle?

I'm an awkward turtle like Tony Perry is an awkward turtle. Yes.

3. Check the last thing you wrote, how many grammar mistakes are there?

Typing your grammar mistakes hurts me. It's infinitely, not infinately and "there is probably," not "there probably." It should be "like myself," not "like I." There should be a space after the period before "ever" which is not a full sentence. "Awkward" and "Turtle" don't need to be capitalized unless it is a specific title. In this question there is a comma splice that should be fixed with splitting it into two sentences, using a semicolon, or a colon. There are also two questions labeled as number three. Thank you for this opportunity to correct what you've made me type. XD

4. Do you like reading if so, what is the best book you have ever read.

I love reading. Every genre has amazing books. If I must choose a single one, if say Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone because it introduced me to the magic of literacy, though I do love The Pearl by John Steinbeck, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and the works of Edgar Allen Poe.

5. How many 3s are in the following(hint the answer is easier than you think)


There are nine columns and I saw that yours were 27 per row, except for the last one with 24 in it. That's 240 of them.

6. Who are your favorite You tubers?

My favourite YouTubers are Onision and Social Repose.

7. What is your opinion on the Fine Bros. If you don't have one than say you don't have one?

I don't know who they are so I don't have an opinion.

8. Did you know that anything you do means literally nothing in our infinite universe?!

It's all a matter of perspective, my friend. If it means something to someone, even if only for a moment, then it matters. The fact that our universe is so infinite is what makes it so important, because in our numbered days in an infinite time ahead of us, we find hope and any small difference matters.

9. Regardless of what you thought for number 8. its true. Nothing matters this what your typing doesn't matter so you should follow me right now. ?

I'm confused by your grammar. Are you telling me that nothing I do matters as a rational statement behind the claim that I should follow you?

10. If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

I would keep a box on my bookshelf that is very sentimental to me; my phone, because there is contact information and notes in it; my lyric journal; my violin, because music comforts me; and the first Harry Potter book, because it holds my childhood: these items comfort me and would make me happy when I feel alone.

11. Are you Male or Female( Apples to trans, just go into deatails

I am male. Yes, I am trans. But I'm still male and I don't need to go into details because there's not any details to be stated as I am male regardless of the sex I was assigned at birth. I would also like to acknowledge that there are more than two genders to be considered.

12. Do you hate my for making you type this?

Well, I'm starting to dislike your grammatical errors, to say the least.

13. What is your favorite move

My favorite move is the Charleston because I'm a jazz dancer and I really like the 1920s style. Good luck guessing which Charleston move in talking about ;) I'm guessing you were trying to ask my favorite movie so I'll say Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

I've realized that I have given some rather passive aggressive responses, and I mean no disrespect, my apologies.

Questions I am giving:

1. What is your dream job?
2. Name at least five things that make you happy.
3. What is your favourite word?
4. What is your favourite  medium of art?
5. What is your favourite  TV show at the moment?
6. Do you play any instruments?
7. What are your current five favourite songs?
8. Do you have a favourite number?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. What board game do you love the most?
11. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
12. What are (at least) three things you love about yourself?
13. What do you think about the number 13?

I tag:

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