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     "You no good worthless slut get back here!" My drunken father demands kicking stuff searching widly for me.

I am hiding from him in the closet hoping he will get tired and leave. Most likely he won't until he gets his way with me, again.

"Where are you!!" He demands again.

I just cover my ears and try not to cry. I have yet another flashback of when the abuse started.

**Flash Back**

  "Iris get down here!" My dad's voice boomed through the hallways.

"Daddy whats wrong?" I question, my eyebrows furrowing at the demented look in his eyes.

"Wheres mommy?" I ask yet another question once I finally reach the ground. I look at him and know something is wrong. 

He is covered in blood and he has this cold heartless stare in his eyes.

"I killed her." He laughs evily and the hairs on my skin stand up.

"Wh-what!" I wail, everything not yet sinking in.

"Quite with the whining you little bitch! You dare tell anyone I will fucking kill you!" He barked wrapping his hand around my throat nearly cutting off my airway.

My fathers breath had the disgusting stench of alchol in it, which in this case makes everything worse. I tried to dart up the stairs but, he grabs my ankle causing me to drop on the steps and my face collides roughly with the hard wood. I kicked aimlessly until my foot connected with his jaw and he let go.

I try to scramble up the stairs as quickly as I could but, it was just to late. Slowly the adreniline ceased and the fact that my mother just got murdered and my dad was trying to steal my virginity sunk in. Hard.

Tears flowed out of my eyes and dad grabbed my hair dragging me to his bedroom. He had enough of my fighting and just threw me down onto the white carpets, forcing the clothes off my body.

By the time he was done there was blood stained onto the carpet and me curled up onto the floor in feedle position. 

I felt disgusted, dirty, and definetly used. My own blood stole my virginity.

        **End Of Flashback**

I sat there on the vege of tears. He finally gives up and I hear him leave. I wait until I hear the car pull out of the driveway to come out.

When I come out I look around to see whats broken. I find my picture of my mother broken. I fall to my knees and curl up to fedal postition. 

Why me? What did I ever do. The thoughts of trying to escape are haunting me again. 

No I cant! Remember what he did last time! Nothing will ever work. I cant escape.

Then it hits me. I have to do it. It will work. I have lots of skills. 

I run to the attic and get a suitcase. I go to my closet and throw some clothes in. 

Then I go to the bathroom and throw stuff in the bag. I go to my closet and pull out my emergancy money and take a couple hundred from my dads bed. Great I have two thousand dollars.

I throw my white out converse in the bag and put on my black outs. I grab my brush, flat iron and I run out the door as fast as I can.

The cold air hits me like ice. Damn I should have put on a thicker jacket. I run down the street towards downtown. 

Now I have to find a hotel to say in and get a job. 

I run as fast as I can. People stare at me. Why wouldnt they. I mean I was wearing really short shorts, a tank top and a green jacket. 

I run for 2 miles staright. 

Thats when I hear him. I hear my dad drunken yells. No. He cant find me. I run faster. 

I feel like my chest is about to burst. 

Then he tackles me.

"NO!!! HELP!!!" I yell

"You stupid slut shut the hell up!!" He yells punching me in the face.

"No!! Leave me alone!!! Someone please help me!!!" I scream louder.

"I said shut the hell up!" He yells slapping me.

I spit in his face. He falls back and I run. 

"SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

My dad tackles me again and starts dragging me on the ground. Looks like I wont be able to go to safety. Thats when the huge bus pulls up. 

I try kicking my dad but he doges it.

"You think you can escape me you filthy no good slut?" He yells. Then he punches me in the head.

My head starts spinning. Then I hear voices.

"Get away from her!!" I hear someone yell.

"Mike Tony get her in the bus! Jamie help me with get this dude!"  The same voice says.

When someone goes to pick me up I start thrashing around and screaming.

"Get off of me!!" I yell.

"Chica Chica calm down please." Someone says trying to calm me.

For some reason the voice calms me. I cuddle up to the guys chest. I hear yelling and fighting and I silently pray my saviors wont get hurt. They take me inside and sit me on a couch. I immediatly curl up into a ball and keep my eyes shut.

"Will you please open your eyes chica?" Someone asks.

I slowly open my eyes and see Mike from Pierce The Veil looking at me. 

"Whats your name?" He asks me.

"Iris." I reply.

I couldn't believe that Pierce The Veil just saved me. I immediatly hugged him. I couldnt believe someone cared enough to help me. Suddenly all these tears just came and I was crying.

"Aww chica its okay." Mike says.

Then Vic and Jamie run in. 

"Mike is she okay?" Vic asks.

"Yeah she's okay." Mike says. 

For a while I just keep my head burried in Mike's chest. After a while they get me to come out and eat a little. 

"Can you tell us what was going on when we found you?" Vic asks me.

"I was running away f-from my dad." I say tears threating to spill once again.

"Its okay take it slow." Vic says rubbing circles on my back.

I tell them the story and they listen. They help me when it gets hard to tell. Finally after a half hour I tell them everything.

"Well you are staying with us." Vic says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. Were actually on our way back to californa for a few months of a break until Warped Tour so you are staying with us." He says.

"Thank you so much Vic." I say hugging him. 

"Your welcome." He says hugging me back.

They show me a bunk I can sleep on and let me shower. After I'm done I feel a bit better. Then I lay down and go to sleep finally knowing I'll be safe.

Everything's meant to be broken (Watty Awards 2013 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now