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  **Iris POV**

       When I wake up Kellin is awake on his phone. Everyone else was sleeping.

"Hey." I say.

He just stays typing. He must still be pissed at me. I understand. I mean why wouldn't he be. I close my eyes and put my head in chest. 

"I'm sorry." I say.

He continues typing. I didnt make things better I fucked them up even more than they were. He types a little bit more than hands me his phone. Its a letter to me.


  I'm not mad at you. I am upset though. Not at you Im upset at myself for not seeing the signs. For not seeing how suddenly happy you were acting. I just wanted you to know I love you. Your the reason I smile. I love you so so much. I know you wont want to talk about whatever it is that made you want to take your life for a while but just know when your ready I will be here to listen. If you ever need to you know you can cry on my shoulder. You can tell me anything. I wont ever judge you. Just talk to me. I dont care if its 2 in the morning, you can wake me up just for a hug and to cry. You are my special little angel. Please never ever try to end your life again. I dont want to go through the pain and worry that I did when I thought I was going to lose you. Now the hospital makes you come to therapy and usually you have the option to go afterwards but if you dont want to you dont have to. Now on to the cutting. I saw more cuts then last time. You dont have to tell me why but please try to stop for me. Im not gonna say I understand why you cut because I dont. I wont because Im not you. I am not in your head. All I can do try and be the best boyfriend ever. I love you and you probably think I am pissed because your putting your face in my chest and you tend to do that when you think Im ignoring you. So I am going to go ahead and end this letter. I love you my little angel. Kellin

I read it over a couple more times before I hug him tightly.

"I'm so so sorry." I whisper. 

He hugs me back and whispers in my ear.

"Please never try something like that again you had me worried sick."

I stay hugging him. 

"I love you so much." I say.

"I love you too." He says back.

I dont know how long I could keep my father a secret. But the thought of my father hurting Kellin scared me/ I mean the smart thing to do would be go to the police but the last time I tried that I ended up with a broken wrist and 3 broken ribs. 

"Where's my phone?" I ask.

He reaches in his pocket and gives it to me. 

I turn it on and I have 5 texts from him.

Text 1~Why the hell arent you answering me

Text 2~You stupid bitch answer me!

Text 3~I am going to give you one more hour

Text 4~I am going to find you and kill you

Text 5~So your in the hospital. Finally took my advice and tried to kill yourself. Well soon I am going to find you and kill you myself.

I drop the phone.

"Iris whats wrong?" He asks. I cant talk.

He picks up the phone and reads the texts.

"How did your father find you?" He asks.

I just stay there. I am in a fear shock. Atleast thats what I hear Vic say when Kellin tells him. 

He was really coming for me. 

I sit there and doctors try to get me to move but I just sit there stiff.

"Please Iris talk please we need to know where he is." Kellin says.

"He-he's g-going t-to find me," I whisper.

"No where going to find him calm down okay. Were going to take you home today and no one will find you because we wont let them" Kellin says rubbing circles in my back.

"Yeah dont worry you will be fine." Vic says.

Andy and Vall left to go to the police so they could try to find my dad.

"I wanna go home." I say.

"You can soon babe. I promise." Kellin says.

I lay my head on Kellin's shoulder and close my eyes trying to get my thoughts together.

"Iris Webber you are allowed to leave." The doctors says coming in.

"Okay." I say. 

Kellin helps me get my things and we go. The car ride is silent. Kellin keeps a hand on the wheel and one hand holding mine. I just stay quiet. I mean what can I say? My crazy father is out there looking for me.

I go home and go directily to be bed because I just want this all to be over


  Stupid Chapter I know but I was kinda rushing. I will have a better one later

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