Advice from Andy and Date With Kellin

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    I walk around a bit until I see Andy in his room watching Batman. Of course. 

"Hey Andy can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Yeah of course whats up?" He asks turning off the TV.

"Kellin asked me to go to dinner with him and I'm nervous." I say.

"Well don't tell him I told you but ever since he's met you, he finds an exuce to talk about you. Don't be nervous he really likes you." He tells me.

"But what if I'm not good enough for him?" I ask.

"You are good enough! You are sweet and nice and Kellin likes you. Don't worry okay?" He says.

"Okay. Thanks Andy." I smile feeling better.

"No problem." He smiles. I was almost out the door when Andy told me to sit back down.

"What is it?" I ask.

     "Can I see your arms?" He asks.

I show them. He looks at my arms looking at some of my scars.

"When did you first start cutting?" He asks.

"When I was 12. I stopped at 14 and started again a year ago and then I quit again 2 months ago well you know yesterday." I say.

"So you stopped before, What made you stop." He asks.

"Well I just thought cutting was just letting my father win. I would stop but then the beatings and rape would get so bad that I would cut again." I tell him on the verge of tears.

"Don't cry." He says hugging me.

"I'm sorry the memories are just hard." I say wiping my eyes.

"Its alright." He says.

"Well I'm gonna make sure you dont cut anymore. I dont want to see you hurt. So if I seem overbearing I'm just really protective about this stuff." He says.

"Okay." I say.

I hug Andy and go upstairs. I look at the time. 5:30. Damn I talked to Andy to long. Only an hour till Kellin and I's date. I grab my clothes and hop in the shower. I was my hair and my body and get out. I put over up over my arm and put on my clthes. Its a white tank top with a black heart, black skinny jeans that have laces on them and my buckle converse. 

I put on black braceletts and painted my nails black. I grab my black purse and fix my snake bites. I keep my hair staight  and put my bangs out. I fix my snake bites and I'm ready.

I go down stairs and Kellin is waiting for me. He is wearing black skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. I hug him and he smiles at me.

"You look amazing." He says.

"Thanks." I say blushing.

We walk out to the car and he opens my door for me and closes it lightly. He gets in and we go to the restraunt.

"You really look amazing." He says.

"I'm not." I lie.

He just smiles.

   We pull up to a small diner and get out. 

"I use to come here with my dad all the time." He says.

"It looks nice." I comment.

We go in and get seated at a booth in the back.

"Hi my name is Ellissa and I'll be your waitress today can I start you off with some drinks?" She says polietly.

"I'll have Dr. Pepper." Kelling says.

"I'll have Mt. Dew." I say.

     She nods and walks away.

"so why did you decide to ask me out?" I ask.

"Because I love your personalitly. I like the way you can light up a room and I just really like you." He says.

"Well your music is part of the reason I stayed alive." I say.

"Well I'm glad your alive. Now I can sit here with you now." He smiles.

The waitress comes back with our drinks and then we order.

"I'll take the cheeseburger and fy." Kellin says.

"Okay and what can I get yoru girlfriend?" She asks.

"Cheeseburger and salad." I say.

"OKay I'll be back with your food shortly." She says and walks away.

"Well aparantly I'm your girlfriend." I laugh.

"No complaints." He smiles.

    "So how long have you known Vall?" I ask.

"About 4 years. She's been BVB's Roadie for about 5 years." He tells me. 

"What did Vall mean she went through cutting?" I ask.

"Well when she first started as the Roadie for BVB she was really messed up. She had just gotten out of a really abusive relationship and she was just really hurt. For a while she would only talk to Jinxx and Andy. After a bit Vic got her to come out of her shell and now you know she's super hyper all the time." He says chuckling.

"Vic should become a therapist. He is good and getting people to open up to him." I say.

"Yeah, he's always been good with that." He says.

A little while later the waitress brings our food. Its really good. Kellin and I talk about everything we can think of. 

When were done, Kellin pays and leaves the waitress a $10 tip. 

"There's one more place I wanna take you." He tells me when we get in the car. 

We drive for about 20 minutes and then we drive up this hill. At the top there is a blanket layed out and we are looking over the beach.

It wasnt yet dark out the bottom of the sky was an orangeish pink. You could see the city lights. It was breathtaking.

"I remember you saying you loved the ocean so I though you would like this." He says.

"Its beautiful." I say.

"Thank you." I say turning to him.

"Your welcome." He says.

      I hug him and then he takes my chin and has me look into his eyes. 

He leans down and lightly kisses my lips.

I put my arm around his neck. Our lips move insync. He holds me close to him. He kisses my lips lightly once more and hugs me close to him.

"You dont know how long I've wanted to do that." He says.

"Thanks Kellin for everything." I say.

"Your welcome. Now lets get back." He says.

I nod and we get back in the car. 

We ride home listening to Secondhand Serande. He really listens. He knew this was one of my favorite bands.

When we get back Kellin walks me to my room and gives me goodnight kiss. I lay down and fall asleep instantly.

**Authors Note** 

Okay so I know this was a short chapter dont kill me. The next chapter will probably be longer because half of it will be in Vall's POV and Iris's POV. Also there will be someone new entering the story in a bit. Ash will be in the story soon. I promise. Well thats about it. I will try to update soon it depends on how hectic school is for me. Well hope yall liked it. Remember Fan Vote and all that good stuff. Also I think I am entering this book into the Watty Awards. 

So if you all could share my book. Fan Vote all that good stuff!! Thanks

Date outfit on the side --------------> 

External link is the beach view and 

I am deticating this to RonnieJVRC because her Die For You series inspired me to write this story!! 

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