Vic and Vall's Date

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*Vall POV*

    I walk into Iris's room to hear hear humming happily.

"Did your date with Kellin go good?" 

"It was amazing!" She says. 

"What all did you do?" I ask.

"First we went to a little diner that was really good. Then he took me to a beach overlook and then he kissed me!!" She says. 

"He kissed you?" I ask.

"Yeah! I am so happy right now." She says 

"Well I am happy for you." I say. It made me happy to see her so happy. 

    "So what are you and vic gonna do?" She asks.

"I dont know he. He wont tell me its a suprise." I say.

"Oooh a suprise." She taunts.

"Shut up!" I snap.

"Ehh quiet dont gotta get all bitchy." She says.

   "I gotta get ready for my date." I go to my room and look for an outfit to wear. I put on a BVB tank top, a pair of shorts and my classic converse. 

I put on some bracelets and my black lip ring. I take out my contacts and put my hair up.

"Hey you ready?" Vic asks me coming in.

"Yeah lets go." I say.

"So do you want to know what were doing today?" He asks.

"Yes tell me." I demand.

"We are going Go-cart racing." He says.

"Aww Vic I dont want to have to beat you." I say.

"You beat me. No offense babe but your a chick. I'm gonna win." He says.

"Oh you are so on!" I say.

"Wanna bet?" VIc asks.

"Your on whats the bet?" I ask.

"Well if I win you have to say in concert and on twitter you got beat and I'm a sexy god." Vic says.

"And if I win you have to dress up like a girl and stay like that all day." I say

"Deal." He says. We shake on it. Oh Vic is sooo going down.

We go into the place and tell them that we wanna race. 

I get a black go cart and Vic gets a red go cart.

"Okay racers this is a 5 lap race." He says.

"Ready to lose?" I ask.

"No are you?" He asks.

"Nope." He looks ahead.

"On your mark get set go!!" I slam foot on the gas and go as fast as I can.

Aft first we stay tied. When we got to the 5th lap he starts to get ahead. Oh hell no. Bitch going down. I go up to him and just barley hit him but I cut him off and win. He crashes into the side and I start to die of laughter.

   "Thats what you get! A girl beat you!" I say. He gets out of his car.

"You just got lucky." He says.

No No NO I just got skills bitch! Thats from motorcycle driving since I was six. Suck it!" I say.

"Yeah yeah." He laughs putting his arm around my waist.

"Admit it I have skills!" I say.

"Fine you have skills." He says.

We walk outside and get in the car.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"Yes starving." I say.

"Well I have a little suprise for you." He smiles

"Another one?" I ask unsure.

"Yes another one." He says.

   We drive to the beach and go to this secluded part of the beach. There was picnic blanket and basket. 

"Did you plan this? I ask.

"Yeah but I have to thank Iris and Kellin. They set this up for us while we were go-carting.

"Well lets hope they didnt eat the food." I joke.

He opens the basket and there are sandwhiches broccoli and cheese and oranges.

"Who packed the food?" I ask.

"Me I just packed a few of your favorite foods." He says.

"Oh my god I love you!" I say.

"Your welcome." He says.

We sit down and eat.

"So VIc what color do you think you'll look best in? I'm thinking pink. A bright hot pink." I say with a smirk.

"Your actually gonna make me do that?" He goans.

"Yes I am." I smile.

"Evil." He mumbles. I laugh.

"Dont laugh." He says.

"Or what?" I challange.

"I'll tickle you." He says.

"NO you wont!" I say.

He comes over and starts tickling me.

"NO!! Stop!!" I say between laughs.

He stops and he is leaning over me. He leans down and kisses me. 

   I am kinda surprised at first but then I kiss him back.

He pulls me on top of him and I lay my head on his chest. I listen to his heart beat and he puts his arm over me. 

"I love you." He says to me.

"I love you too." I say.

I couldnt believe it. For the first time since my really last bad relationship I was in love.

~Iris POV~

    I was lying on the couch with Kellin and we were laughing about a picture we saw. It was a picture of Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber with a face swap. They looked like a cute lesbian coule.

"I could sooo see that!" I say.

"Yeah I could just see there dates." Kellin says.

"Are you guys still laughing about that?" Ash asks.

"Yeah." We both say.

"Oh god I showed you that an hour ago!" He says.

"Its still funny." I say.

Ash just rolls his eyes. He walks out mumbling about hating love. I felt complete with Kellin and I didn't care what anyone said. 

**Authors Note** 

Hope you liked it!

Next chapter shall be up soon

Um So I have one of my big inspirations following me!! Emlong123 followed me so check out her books also. The Last Cut is to die for amazing! 

Well hope you loved it and next chapter should be up soon. I write them at school and type them when I get home if I have the chance.

Vall date outfit -------------->

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