Big Secrets

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    I get on the bus and all the members of Black Veil Brides are sitting in front of me. I get a little shy and scoot back behind Kellin. Andy stands up and he is really really tall. I get a little intimedated. Damn it sucked being 5'3. I was almost a foot shorter than Andy. 

"Hey Iris how are you? I'm Andy." Andy says to me. Damn his voice is deep. 

"Hi. I'm good." I smile.

"Well this is Jake CC Jinxx Ashley and right there behind Jinxx hiding is Vall. Our Roadie." He says introducing me.

"Damn it Andy I can introduce myself your like those annyoing ass flight attendents!" Vall says crossinig her arms.

"Well I'm Iris nice to meet you all." I say

"Yes another shortie! Im not alone!!" Vall shouts out. Wow she was kinda random. She had brown hair with her bangs dyed purple, she had these really cool greenish/blue contacts and a lip ring on the same side as Andy's. 

"So whats your story?" Vall asks me.

"Um not much, bad childhood. Horrible dad. Mom died when I was young." I say.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She says.

"Dont worry about it." I say.

"Um well Iris there is something we need to talk about so do you want to sit?" Vic asks me.

"Sure." I say sitting down.

"Well Iris I guess I should start by saying, I'm your sister." Vall says to me. 

I just stare at her waiting for the laughter. There is no way we are sisters. I would remember my sister wouldn't I?

"Your kidding right?" I laugh a bit.

"No. Mom sent me to a foster home because she couldn't afford to take care of me. She came once a month to see me and give me money. When I was about 8 she came and introduced my dad to me. He got pissed and was a complete ass hole to her the rest of the time. Then they left. I never saw her again after that." She says. 

I sit there and take it all in. Thats where they went that night and thats why he killed her cause of this girl right in front of me. Immediatly I felt the anger boil inside of me. I ball my fists up and launch at her. I would have grabbed her but Kellin knew my intentions and caught me.


"I FUCKING HATE YOU YOU BITCH!!" I yell tears streaming.

"Your the reason I was raped! You were the reason I lost everything!" I yell. 

Kellin hugs me and I just try to stop the tears.

"Iris calm down sweetie." Vic says coming up to me.

"Why did he have to see you?" I ask.

"I wanted to meet him." She says.

I just sit there. I was abused and she was the reason why. I wonder what I should do. Should I hate her or should I forgive her. I was confused.

"I dont know if I hate your or I understand you."  I say.

"What do you mean?"  She asks.

"I know you wanted to meet your father but because of that my mom was ripped away from me." I say.

"He's not my father. Our mom cheated on him. Thats why he was so pissed off." She says.

Then I am shocked. That was just like adding salt to the burn. I couldn't believe this. I just am really stunned at this point. 

Everything's meant to be broken (Watty Awards 2013 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now