Facing Vic and New Love

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     When I wake up again I am laying on Kellin's chest and he is lightly snoring. Wow he looks really cute when he is asleep. I sit up and Vic is watching TV with Vall. 

"Hey Vic can I talk to you." I say.

He looks at me and I can tell he already knows. I start feeling really guilty.

"Yeah sure." He says. We go to the back of the bus and sit.

"Why did you do it?" He asks.

"I was stressed and I just kinda felt alone, I didn't know what to do." I say.

"Thats not a reason. There really is no reason for self harn. I know because I have been through it. You are amazing so please dont self harm. It isnt worth it." He says.

"I'm sorry." I say and he hugs me,

"You dont have to be sorry." He says to me. 

"Thanks Vic." I say.

"Your welcome." He says. 

"Who told you?" I ask.

"Vall. She was worried about you. I've never seen her that worried." He says.

"She's a good sister." I smile.

"Yep. Oh by the way we probably have about an hour and we'll be to our house. Kellin, Vall and Andy are staying with us. The rest of the PTV guys are going to stay with there families until Warped." He tells me.

"Cool what about the rest of the BVB guys?" I ask

"Jinxx wants to stay with Sammi, Jake wants to be with Ella, CC wants to stay at Laurens and Ash will probably stay with us." He says.

"Thats cool." I say.

I think over all the things that have happened to me since my mom was killed. My innocence and trust was forever betrayed. I dont know why it was so easy to let Vic and Kellin in but I'm glad I have them.

I go and watch TV and talk to Kellin. We have become closer and closer since we met. He is a really sweet guy and he is easy to tell anything to.

We talked about my mom and my life before my mom was killed. We both cried a little about how hard our life has been and we helped boost each other up. I was having so much fun talking to Kellin I didn't even realize that that we got to the house.

I look out the window. It was beautiful. It was huge. Vic, Kellin, Andy and Ash get the bags while me and Vall go to look inside. It was really pretty inside. It had 6 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. After we were settled in, I decided to take a shower. 

When I get out I change into a black cut tee shirt with purple white and grey skulls on it, light blue jean cut off shorts, black and white knee socks, my grey X-Hi converse a pink and black belt, black and pink braceletts and my lightning bolt necklace. (Outfit at the side)

I go to Vall's room when I'm all dressed.

"Hey sis whats up?" Vall says.

"Nothing what where you doing?" I ask.

"Just having a dance party." She says.

"Well can I join?" I ask.

"Sure." She says.

She puts on Katy Perry Roar on full blast and we run around the house dancing like idiots.

Then Kellin comes in.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" He asks.

"Dancing Join!" Vall yells at him.

He just shrugs and we keep dancing down the hall. Suddenly Vall opens the bathroom door, pushes me and Kellin and shuts the door.

"DONT COME OUT UNTIL YOU ASK HER!" She yells through the door.

"Do I have to now? Come on Vallie!" Kellin yells.

"OH YES NOW YOU USED MY FULL NAME!!!" She yells back. 

He lets out a sigh and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Ask me what?" I ask really confused.

"Well Iris, these last couple days have been really fun hanging out with you and I wanted to know do you think maybe sometime we could go out on a date." He asks me.

I just smile and hug him.

"Of course. Just name a time and place." I say.

He hugs me back and gives me a kiss on the forehead. 

Then Vall opens up the door.

"There now was that so hard?" She says with a smirk.

"I'm gonna kill you!!" Kellin yells.

She turn and runs. We both run after her. 

Kellin pins her down and starts tickling her.

"Nooooo stop!" She yells.

"Kellin I would stop before she kills you." I say watching her kick like crazy. He stops and she backs up holding her sides.

"Your so mean!!!" She yells.

"Sorry." He laughs. 

"You know what, I have an idea, we should go out tonight. There's a restraunt I really like here and I would to take you there." Kellin says to me.

"That sounds great. On a scale of 1-10 how dressed up should I be?" I ask.

"You really dont have to be dressed up. Its not that fancy." He says.

I hug him again. Then he flips me over and starts tickling me.

"Nooooo!!" I yell laughing.

"Vall help!" I yell.

She starts pulling him off and he starts to tickle her. Then we both tackle him. 

We let him up and by then I am tired. 

"Hey I'm going down stairs." I say.

I go down and Vic is watching TV.

"Hey Vic." I say.

"Hey Iris I need your help." He says.

"With what?" I ask.

"Well I've known Vall for like 2 years and I really want her to be my girlfriend but I dont know how to ask." He says.

I see Vall in the doorway out of the corner of my eye and I get an idea.

"Well how do you think you would ask her?"

"Well I would start off by saying, Vall we've known each other two years. Your beautiful, the way you laugh is amazing, your smile is part of the reason I smile, the way you care about people is amazing. You make me nervous and you make me blush. You make me feel things I didnt know where possible. Your amazing and your just someone I could see myself with. Would you be my girlfriend." He says.

"Of course I would Vic." She says smiling.

He turns his head and smiles looking at her.

He walks over and hugs her. 

I smile. They looks really good together. 

I couldn't wait till my date tonight. I decide to go upstairs and talk to Andy. I needed some advice.

**Authors Note**

Sorry I took a while to update Wattpad decided to delete half the chapter! Oh well. Awwww yey Vall and Vic!!! And now Kellin and Iris are going out!!! I hope you all liked this chapter

Outfit on the side!

Right now I am listening to All My Heart by Sleeping WIth Sirens!  In love with this song!!!

Next chapter will be up in the next few day depending on school!! I hope you like this!!!



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