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      I lay in the bed not wanted to ever get up. Kellin went out to get me some soup, Vic and Vall were on a date and Andy and Ash were at the studio. I was happy to be alone. It gave me some time to think. I think that's one thing I just really needed. 

After a bit I get up and go downstairs and start to watch TV. For the first time in a couple days I finally felt better. I go into the kitchen and make some popcorn and then turn on a movie.

After a bit I hear the door open. 

"Your back!" I say excitedly and go to meet him. When I see who is there I scream and stand there frozen. I couldn't believe it. My father was standing in front of me with a sadistic smile on his face. 

"W-what are you doing here." I ask backing up.

"I told you I would find you. I just came to reclaim what is rightfully mine." He says coming towards me.

"I don't belong to anyone so just leave me alone." I say continuing to back up.

"Oh but you do belong to me. I made a mistake letting you go leave me. Now I'm here to take you back." He says.

"NO! Just leave me alone!" I try to sound brave even though I was scared out of my mind. 

"Don't take that tone with me!" He yells. He grabs my arm and slaps me so hard I would have fallen if he wasn't holding on to me.

"Now lets take a trip down memory lane." He says and tries to kiss me.

"NO!" I scream and pull my arm away. I run away as fast as I can.

"Bitch get back here!" He yells. He catches up to me and then he hits me as hard as he can in the head. I start to get really dizzy. I fall to the ground and I cant think straight, 

All I know is I have to run away. I go to run down the stairs. I trip and fall down them. I try to get back up but fall from the pain. My ankle is also killing me. 

My dad pulls out rope and duck tape. He tapes my mouth and ties up my arms and legs. I try to fight him with all my might but then he hits me in the head again. This time I fall unconscious.

*Kellin POV*

  I walk back to the house smiling. I hoped that Iris likes my surprise. I had gotten her favorite candy and picked up a movie for us to watch. I know things have been stressful for her so I just want to have some time just me and her. I go to the door and its open. That's odd. I put down the bag and yell for her.

"Iris where are you?"

I look down and I see her black jacket she was wearing and blood. I get freaked out and run up to her room. There's a note.

So you think you can steal my property from me. Well I took her back. If you call the cops I will kill her!! She's mine! Hope you enjoy the loneliness 

My hands are shaking. Fuck what do I do. I cant call the cops. Think Kellin Think. Well let call Vic an Vall first.

"Hey Kellin whats up?" Vic answers.

"That basterd took Iris! He fucking came and took her!" I yell.

"Woah Kellin calm down what do you mean he took her?" He asks.

"Her father. He has Iris." I say a bit slower.

"Why are you calling me call the cops!" Vic yells.

"He said if we call the cops he'll kill her." I say. I was really on the verge of tears. 

"Um okay well were on our way. Give us like 5 minutes." He says and hangs up. 

Everything's meant to be broken (Watty Awards 2013 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now