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   It has been 6 months since I killed my father. The nightmares still come back once in a while but Kellin is always there to help me. Kellin and I still have a strong relationship. We are even talking about marriage. Vic and Vall are still together strong also. Kellin and I have our own house next to Vic and Vall's. Vall and I are still close and go out for a sister thing once a month. She is teaching me how to play guitar and I am teaching her piano. I still have therapy but I have healed. I have completly stopped cutting and most of my scars are gone. There are still a few but there a reminder to stay strong. Andy has been like my older brother through this. Hopefully everything can stay as happy as they have been. But you know what they say Everything's Ment To Be Broken.

Okay guys look out for book 2. I will probably start it tonight. Well hope you liked this book!!! 

Everything's meant to be broken (Watty Awards 2013 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now