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Ciel's POV

Seeing ____ cry... It was heart wrenching- even when you are assumed to not have one. I turned to Sebastian. "Sebastian, let's take her to the manor- we can sort things out there."

"Yes, My lord." Sebastian put his hand on her shoulder and began steering her through the crowd. She was still looking frantically for her brother... I can only assume he is the only family she has left.

She started off struggling... saying that she needed her brother... but that slowly died as we continued to walk the streets. Some of the street performers gave us strange looks, obviously knowing _____ and wondering what we were doing. Not to mention she was blubbering like an idiot.

I'd probably never walk these streets again.

Your POV

As you stepped silently into the carriage with Ciel, your insides remained smiling as you continued to sniffle. I think.. they bought it?

Ciel made no move to comfort you, and no move to quiet you as the carriage rolled along. You sniffed as the carriage bumped. This is annoying- Can I stop now? Is it too soon for me to stop crying? Because I did "lose" a family member today. Meh, I'm bored.

You wiped the tears from your eyes and poked them to make them red. You grabbed a hanker chief from your pocket and started cleaning yourself up. Ciel hadn't payed attention to you the entire ride and you were starting to get annoyed. Can I kill him now? But we're in the middle of the forest... and that Sebastian character is very skilled.... I should wait until we're alone in the manor.

You looked out the window. "What are..? Where are we going?"

"We're headed to my manor. We'll search for your brother from there."

"Thank you!" You said smiling as sweetly as an assassin could. And then you turned to look out the window. "If I may, Why are you helping me?"

You watched as Ciel blushed and turned away from the corner of your eye. Oooh, Scandalous! He can't tell me!  You thought evilly and tried not to smile.

This is going to be fun. Sure I'll have to kill the brat eventually, but hey, might as well mess around with the kid first! Maybe pick up some gossip?

You had to turn your face so Ciel couldn't see you smile.


Meeting the servants was... well, painful. Not because you had to smile and frown when they joked around and then mentioned your brother, but because of the fact that this was it. This was all the security the little brat had.

And to be entirely honest, you didn't think those four could do much to you, especially the Steward Tanaka.

Well, that or you could feel your sword hidden underneath your clothes and fake skin digging into you back. 'Cause Hey, it hurts where it hurts.

When you were finally escorted to your room by Sebastian, you were amazed. There was a plush double bed that looked more comfortable then you had ever seen in your life (But then again, you had lived on the streets). There was a beautiful closet, with delicate carvings in the door. Next to it was a mirror, and across from that there was the washroom. There was a window above the bed, and on the nightstand there was a beautiful pot of roses. 

You were dying to try the bed, but you needed to act like this assignment WASN'T the best thing that ever happened to you. You sat down on the edge. Because of your sword across your back, you had to sit awkwardly straight. 

Sebastian looked at you suspiciously. "I notice your back is bothering you and you seem tense- shall I perhaps prepare a bath?" 

You nod. "That'd be lovely."

Shoot! I'm always going to be uncomfortable- how am I expected to relax when I'm in a mansion with the boy I'm supposed to kill?? The answer to your question- you can't.

You frowned and removed all of your weapons off your body, including the sword on your back. When you were standing you couldn't see it, but if you leaned over it was like an awkward straightness in your back.

You hid all your weapons in assorted places- under planks of wood in your room that were starting to bend, Under ceiling tiles, even at the bottom of the flower pot- because all of your weapons didn't rust. You only bought the best for yourself. You couldn't expect the Black Rose to be carrying around some mace that would rust in a few seconds, now could you? 

You were just sitting back down when Sebastian came back to escort you to the bath. You kept your thoughts based on the bath- How exactly did rich people bathe? It's gotta be way different then us- But really, isn't there only one way to get it done? 

Who knows. You thought shrugging. But at least I'll learn something while I'm here.


*Forgive me for this- I felt really odd writing this part in a Ciel x Reader.*

Sebastian rubbed your shoulders again with the soap. Apparently rich people had their servants bathe them. You decided you like the poor way better, and would bathe yourself from now on.

He raised your left arm out of the water. You cringed a little.

He cocked his head at you. "What's wrong Milady?"

You adverted your eyes. "Nothing."

But as his eyes met the inside of your forearm he gently traced a line down from your wrist to your elbow. "A scar." He murmured to himself. "How in the world did you get this?"

You yanked your arm away. "It is nothing! Now if you excuse me, I believe I am done bathing for today."

Sebastian frowned. "I still need to clean your arms Milady." He said, grabbing your left arm once more.

You tried to pull away but he didn't let go. You pushed and punched (And said a few offensive things),  but his grip on your arm was as strong as you could imagine. You huffed as he lifted you out of the tub and wrapped a towel around you. "You know, you're as amazing as they say Sebastian." You say, trying to get on his good side.

He smirked as he continued drying your hair. "Really? Because earlier I was a 'Disgrace to the Phantomhive family- treating a guest like this!!' " 

You frowned in response. "I only said that because you wouldn't let go of me."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and huffed. "Excuse me, Milady."  With that he left, leaving you standing in your towel with another towel wrapped around your hair.

The worst part was you didn't know where your room was. Adventure time? You thought, but then shook your head realizing how stupid of an idea it was. Maybe Sebastian will come back for me?

Yeah, probably not.


"Milord, there is something about lady _____ we need to discuss that might be helpful in relation to The Aristrocats and our investigation."

"And what would that be Sebastian?"

"She has a large scar on her forearm."

"Which means we were right about-"

"The Aristrocats arms their alias in the secret society with weapons. And these weapons are kept in their body for permanent access."

Ciel x Reader- Dreams of Who We Used To BeWhere stories live. Discover now