S. Steps Into The Picture

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It seemed like Sebastian was keeping Ciel away from you on purpose. Sure, you saw him quite a few times, but Sebastian was always standing either in between you two or directly behind one of you. This was frustrating. I'll kill you too Sebastian if you don't learn your lesson.You thought as you plopped on your bed. You noticed Ciel in the garden. Sebastian bowed and began heading to the manor. Perfect, You thought. No I just have to get out there-

There was a knock on your door. It was Sebastian. Your eyes grew wide. You pointed to you window. "Weren't you just outside?"

"Weren't you wanting alone time with the Earl?"

You took a step back. "What are you?"

"I am simply one hell of a butler."

"Sure you are." You said rolling your eyes. Sebastian stood in the door frame, blocking you. "Look, Sebastian, either you move or I jump out the window. Doesn't matter to me."

"You would jump out of the window to leave?"

"Yes, I've done it before. And from much higher too."

Sebastian shook his head and stepped back. You silently walked past him and headed to the garden. Ciel was sitting there with a cup of tea. He gestured for you to sit across from him, so you did, but only after curtsying.

You sipped a cup of tea, although not particularly fond of the taste.

Eventually Ciel put his cup down. "Sebastian tells me you have a scar on your left arm."

You look away. "Ah-right, yes."

"How did you get it?" Ciel asked.

You sighed to give yourself some time before answering. "Tommy and I had been working for a family before we joined The Aristrocats. The family became abusive, so we fled. Once the family had fallen asleep we decided to climb down our window with boxes filled with our things. I fell, and I cut myself on a wall decoration. The cut is so long because it cut me almost the entire time." You say, making up an answer. You stared straight into his eye so he thought you weren't lying.

What was really under the scar was a compact gun that could be used as a metal bat. It was replacing your bone, and was currently in bat form. Every member of the Aristrocats had one. It was for emergencies only, and you had used it a few times.

Ciel smiled. "I see. I guess I was wrong."

You crinkled your brow. "Wrong about what?"

But Ciel said nothing. So he's getting information, but not telling me anything? What was that about equivalent exchange Edward? 

You broke off your gaze silently. And instantly saw a certain raven haired butler listening. Your eyes grew wide. He had heard everything. And you were starting to get the creeping sensation he could read your mind.

You backed out of your chair. "Excuse me. I believe I need to make a phone call."

Ciel looked upset you were leaving but didn't try to stop you. Once you were inside the manor you looked out a window and saw Ciel speaking with Sebastian. With that motivation, you headed forwards into the room you knew had a phone. You dialed Marcie's number. Come on, Pick up Marcie, I know you want to. 

"Hello, you've reached The Aristrocats." A female voice picked up.

"Viletta, it's me, ______. Hand the phone to S."

"Okay dear." There was sounds of shuffling as the phone was passed over.

"Hello?" Marcie said in a gruff voice.

"Hello S. It's ______. Just wanted to give you an update. I've successfully infiltrated the manor, and have been able to understand parts of the way things work here." You stated, playing with the cord on the phone.

"Do you think you'll have him killed by Monday June 4th?"

"S, that's in a week. I got here yesterday. I'll TRY, but I can't guarantee anything."

"Look, remember that we still have your brother. NOW can you kill him by June 4th?"

You shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?"

"Well it'd be a shame if something happened to him, wouldn't it?"

"Marcie.." You growled.

"The name's S." He responded, but sounding like instead of just saying he was gonna hurt your brother, he had told you what he was watching on Tv.

"I'll have him killed. Don't lay a hand on my brother." You hissed and forcefully hung up.

My Life just got a lot harder.

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