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"We'll be out for the day _____."

"What? Why??" You asked Ciel.

"We're investigating in Druitt's death. We're interviewing any close friends or family he has."

"... Alright. How long will you be gone?"

"Just the day."

"Oh alright.." You said quietly. The two of you were in his office, as after breakfast he had demanded you come see him.

He got up and extended his arm, and you looped yours through it. He guided you to the front doors before turning around to face you. Through the open doors you could see Sebastian staring at thw two of you.

Ciel gently put his hand on your shoulder, redirecting your gaze to him. "Listen, ______, I don't know how to say this, so I'm going to come straight out, alright?"

'He's secretly a hobbit, He's secretly a hobbit, He's secretly a hobbit.' You mentally chanted it over and over, keeping your outer self composed. "Yes Ciel?" you said.

"you're.... you're going to be the only one home. We're taking everyone... except you."

"..... Oh."

'I think I would've liked a hobbit friend-NO TARGET- better.' You thought.

"I'm sorry ______. I'll be back by 21:00 hours, alright?" He said, giving you a look that made you squirmy inside.

"... Okay." you said. 'He has to stop looking at me like that! I don't think I could say no...'

"Be careful, okay?" He said, slipping outside and shutting the door behind him.

As soon as the sound of the carriage on the dirt road faded, You put your back to the door and slid down.

'Now would be a prime opportunity for some trap placing... But I'm not in the mood. ' You thought glumly. 'And I have five days still until my deadline... A lot has happened though since I called Marcie.. perhaps I should check in with him.'

Hoisting yourself to your feet, you trudged down the hall.

'Let's get this over with.'

Sebastian's POV

"Do you hear me? Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE are you to return to the manor. Just wait here." I told the four idiots. "We'll be back later."

"'ey, why are we in the middle of nowhere?" Baldly complained.

"Because ________ won't see you here." Ciel said, frustrated. "Sebastian, let's go. I want to prove her innocent now so you can stop hovering over us."

"Yes, My Lord."

Back to Your POV :)

"You do realize you can kill him before the deadline, right?" Marcie said.

"Yes, I wasn't born yesterday." You sighed. "And this isn't my first job."

"Five days ________ before poor Tommy starts loosing fingers... He doesn't need those, right?"

"Don't lay a hand on him! He's only six S!" You said.

"But you aren't. Now go on and work." He said.

"Actually, my target is currently not at the residence." You sighed. "He went out interrogating one of my other kills."

"You're doing awful on this job _______. You're loosing your touch." He said.

"Shut up." You said, slamming the phone down and heading outside.

'Maybe I need some fresh air.'

Ciel x Reader- Dreams of Who We Used To BeWhere stories live. Discover now