Hearing About Your Life From Your Enemy

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"It wasn't that hard. First person who we talked to said that you were playing us." Sebastian said.

"You found out. That's great. What're you going to do about it?" You looked him up and down. "A scrawny thing like you couldn't outrun me."

"I don't care how fast you ran in Fort Savengarde, I can run faster." Sebastian said strongly.

You flinched. "Please don't mention that."

"Does it make you feel bad to know you slaughter people for a living? Are you ashamed as to how you make your money? Does it make you regretful?" He asked.

You didn't reply. "It should." He continued. "It should make you want to die yourself. Killing others for a living is a shameful career. It is a style of living for those who can't get real jobs."

"Are you suggesting there are better jobs for someone my age?" You snapped. "I'd rather not sell my body and no one is hiring girls who live on the streets right now!" You hissed. "So before you pretend to know everything, actually INFORM yourself on whats going on right now instead of being the annoying pain that you are!

"You've never lived on the streets and have never been homeless! So DON'T tell me it's a shameful career, because in my position it's the best option! And out of all the options I was given, I'd pick it again! So shut the hell up!" You yelled at him.

There was the click of a gun being reloaded. "That is enough you two. ______, please remove all weapons from Your body." Mey-Rin had her glasses resting on the top of her head and her, Baldroy and Finny were both armed.

Giving a glare to Sebastian, you begin stripping the weapons, starting with ten poisonous dart guns hidden under your fingernails. You then removed two glass shuriken from behind your ears, two in the soles of your boots, twelve knives total from secret sections on your arms, legs, and torso. You also pulled out six glass throwing stores from Your torso. You slid off your necklace as well, and Sebastian stopped you.

"You don't need to remove valuables. Only weapons." He said.

You rolled your eyes and opened the locket, revealing a small packet of poison before adding it to the pile.

"Sebastian, undo my shirt halfway." You ordered.

"Uhm, why?"

"So I can get the sword off my back you idiot." You said as he began to unzip it.

"I don't see anything." He said.

"Have you ever thought that I might be using fake skin?" You said as you started feeling between your shoulders for the skin flab. Finding it, your hand grasped the handle and you straightened your back as you pulled it out before tossing it onto the massive pile of weapons. "One more." You said. Raising your tongue, you fiddled with a latch on the bottom before pulling out a small knife with a smile. "Done." You said as Baldroy and Finny walked over to investigate the spread.

"Anymore?" Sebastian asked.

"I'd be lying if I said no." You shrugged.

"Remove it." Sebastian said.

"Are you sure?"


"Really Really Sure?"

"One hundred and twenty percent." He replied.

"Alright, it's going to get a little bit messy then." You sighed. "I'm going to grab the knife third from the left and make a cut over my scar of my left forearm." You said, bending down and doing exactly so, only wincing slightly when the blade entered. You reached into Your arm, you blood getting on your hand.

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