Hateful Reminders

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"I do assume you know how to play chess?" Ciel asked that night as you two were in his study.

"Yes. It was one of the easiest ways to earn money when we were first living on the streets. Challenging overly confident rich nobles." You said as he brought out the chess board.

For once in your life, you had someone of equal skill playing you. "That's not going to work." You said, indicating to the trap he had set. He left his king open, however it was in a position that you couldn't get at it without sacrificing all of your pieces. You took your took snd moved it safely away from the trap.

Ciel huffed. "Most people fall for that. You've surprised me ________."

You shrug. "I'm full of surprises." You look out the window. It's dark, and the candles flicker slightly. There's a small tap of something hitting the window. You frown when it hits again, and you instinctively reach for the blade hidden in your shirt pocket, but stop your twitching hand and turn it into a brush of your hair. Can't have Ciel learning your secret so soon. Expecially when you know Sebastian is standing outside the room with his ear pressed to the door.

You could easily teach the man a thing or two about sneaking.

Like, really. He was that bad. Whether it was just your assassin tendencies or cat-like reflexes, we will never know, but you could tell from the change in air that he was standing ten feet behind you. Behind a wall. With a door in the way.

Maybe this was why you were so good at your job.

You get up, opening the window and peering out. No one in sight. It was possible it was from the dim light, but more likely because there was a being skilled at hiding in the shadows... Another assassin. It would suit what you were looking at too. A dead dog lay underneath the window, bloody and slightly mangeled.

'Ciel's nickname is "The Queen's WatchDOG"...... Damn you Marcie.' You thought as you stared with utter disgust at the body below.

Ciel got up and frowned at you. "________? What's-?" He said before looking out the window and gagging. "Sebastian." he choked out.

Sebastian waited a few moments before opening the door to make it seem like he walked there. "Milord?"

"I'm going for a walk in the gardens." You said, jogging then sidling past Sebastian. 'I have to get out there before they can leave!' You thought, jogging down the hall. 'I need to find out who needs to be put in line!'

"______! Wait!" Ciel called.

You sprinted through the doors looking left and right, and a small movement near the forest caught your eye. You easily made it to the forest line in under a minute even though it was on the other side of the estate.

You peered into the darkness, reaching into your pocket for your blade.

"________!" Someone grabbed your arm.

"Ciel?" You asked, turning around. You didn't know the brat could run so fast.

"It's not safe for you to be here! There could be a murderer running around you idiot!" he yelled at you. "Get inside!"

You almost died of laughter. There could be a murderer running around? Well, there was. And Ciel was looking at her. It was kinda cute how he was so very concerned.

'Better play along...' You thought, looking around.

Whatever assassin had been here was gone, so you sighed. "You're right. We should get inside."

He didn't release his grip on your arm until you were finally inside, and he let out a breath of relief. "Is your arm okay?" he asked as you rubbed it.

"I'm fine." You said. 'But my knives aren't.' you thought as you rubbed your arm, popping them back into position under the fake skin. There was a total of 36 weapons hidden on you at all times, most of which were hidden under fake water-proof skin.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt." he said before blushing a little. "I mean on my property! That could damage my family's name." he said.

"Right. I won't think anything of it." you say, slightly annoyed. 'What a brat! Most people would save someone because they care about them, but NOOOO this brat does it so he won't look bad!' you think.

"______, are you mad?" he asked, reaching towards you, but you slid out of his grasp.

"I'm fine. I'm going to bed." You said, leaving.

"______...." he said.


Upstairs in the hallway, a demon chuckles.

"Sure Ciel, it was only for your family honor. SURE."


The next morning, even before you open your eyes, you can smell blood. "Great." you muttered before rolling onto your side and opening your eyes.

And coming face to face with another dead dog, teeth bared and open eyed. Looking around the room, you see more blood. 'Looks as if it was killed in here... Which is impossible because I would've heard it, no matter how quiet the person.'

"What would a normal person do?" you wondered aloud. "Ah yes, scream." you said, lying back down with your eyes closed. When you reopened them and they met with the dog's, you let out a high pitched scream.

There was the noise of someone running down the hall. You began to shake and cry for dramatic effect. The tears were genuine... The thought of losing Tommy still lay in your mind.

"___________?" Ciel opened the door and gasped. He rushed to your side. "_________, it's okay, calm down, it's fine." he hushed, gently touching your arm.

You threw your arms around his neck, fake sobbing. 'This kid must've been around blood a lot.... Most people start throwing up if they're around blood for so long. I'm only used to it from my experience.' you thought as he pulled you closer.

"Young Master?" pulled you from your thoughts. Sebastian was standing in the doorway, looking slightly appalled at the sight of the room.

"Clean this up. Come on _________, let's get you out of here." he said, not pulling away as he helped you up.You removed one of your hands so that it could hang limply at your side as he helped you out of the room. You buried your head in his shoulder so you wouldn't have to meet Sebastian's eyes.

Ciel helped you into a room somewhere down the hall. Your eyes were too blurry to see it clearly. He layed you down on the bed gently and sat down next to you quietly.

"You can... You can go if you want." You said softly.

"No, I'll wait. It's fine."

".....why? It for your family name?"

"I'd rather not answer that question."

That hung in the air uncomfortably.

"Young Master, we must speak in the hall." Sebastian knocked on the door.

Your heart skipped a beat. 'Did they find my poison???' you wondered frantically.

They went just outside the room. You brushed your tears out of your eyes and got yourself into a position where you could run out at any moment.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE HAS NO WHERE TO SLEEP??????" Ciel yelled from outside.

"Young master, the room is stained with blood. There is only so much I can do. It will take a while to clean. And with the ball tonight, all of our guest rooms have been turned into holding rooms. As we stand, there is no open rooms."

Ciel sighed. "She can sleep in my room."

"Where will you- oh." Sebastian said.


Yeah, that summed everything up pretty nicely.

Ciel x Reader- Dreams of Who We Used To BeWhere stories live. Discover now