Answering the Call of Duty

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You frowned as the corset tightened. Your favourite person- note the sarcasm- was tightening it. Sebastian-Freaking-Michaelis.

You hadn't made a noise, but the sword on your back was starting to dig into your skin. You were really glad it was in it's sheeth because if it wasn't there would be a very hard to explain trail of blood on your back.

Sebastian pulled away. "You're done." He said, reaching for the dress you had been given. You glared at him and the dress in utter disdain.

'As soon as that little butler turns his back again he's going to have a bullet in his skull!' you thought with your teeth grit as he pulled it over you head.

"There is no need for that." he chuckled. "You would simply be wasting your ammo. That is, of course, assuming that you do have a gun and you're serious."

You backed up against the wall. "What the hell are you?"

"Simply one hell of a butler." he said with a cheeky smile and bow.

'If you can read my mind, how do you like this?' You thought before thinking a long train of insults and swear words.

Sebastian chuckled. "You certainly have the mind of someone on the run. However, the knowlege lf such curses is unsuitable for a lady such as yourself."

You bit your lip. 'What nerve!' you thougt before realizing he was still listening. "Get out of my room!" You said, shoving him out and slamming the door.

You heard his laughter on the other side of the door and clench your fists. 'I hate him. I really do. Most people I only dislike, but I hate him!' you thought defiantly.

A small paper air plane flew threw the window. You extended your hand, and it landed softly in your palm.

There was a message on it, so you unfolded it so you could read it better.

We gave a fake invitation to a certain Viscount for that party your Target is holding.

Finish him.

He is a Nobel named Aleister Chambers, or Viscount Druitt.

Do your worst.


You grit your teeth. "Marcie....." You growled, crumpling the paper and holding it in your right fist.

"_______? Sebastian said you were done getting ready so I thought I would- woah." Ciel said, walking into the room you now shared. "You look lovely."

You looked down at your dress. It was a light blue silk dress, covered in frills with small black and white accents. You were wearing matching heels (which you had modified slightly as you will see later), and a small little hat that was the same colour as your dress. You took your black gloved hand and gently touched your hair. It was in pigtails, spiraling.

You knew Ciel was staring at the make up that made your (e/c) coloured eyes pop, so you gazed at him. "Thank you Ciel." you said, hiding the paper behind your back.

"what do you have there?" He asked, noticing the movement.

'Damn! He saw me!' you thought.

"Huh? Oh, this? This is nothing." you said, ripping it up, and throwing it in the fire.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Really, it's nothing. Relax." you said. "I have to go get something. I'll be in the hall for the first dance."

He sighed and you sprinted down the corridor in your heels, thankful for the practice from other jobs. 'I have to get my weapons from my room before that Damn butler can!'

You shoved open the door, and to no surprise, there he was, going through your drawers. "What are you doing??" you yelled even though you both knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

"As some blood had leaked through the wardrobe, I was looking for damaged clothing. I was going to attempt to wash them, and then dispose of the stained ones after that." he said, gesturing to a pile of bloody clothes.

'Looks like he dragged them across the floor... gives him an excuse to look through my stuff though.' you thought, sighing.

"look, I need some..... gender specific items I'd rather you not in the room for when I retrieve them." you said.

Mr. Overly-Annoying-Pain-In-The-Butt-ler actually blushed. Well, not blushed. But he DEFINITELY gained some colour to his cheeks. He nodded and left. You listened for his footsteps to fade down the hall before you set to work. The one under strapped under the bed, The one under the wardrobe, behind the sink in the bathroom.. The ones behind the mirror... you thought, doing a mental checklist. You easily strapped all of them on underneath your dress and pulling up the sleeves before running out.

You passed Sebastian and he raised an eyebrow. "get what you need?"

"It's been taken care of!" you called back, running to the hall. 'I can't be late- I promised Ciel!' You thought. 'I mean, not because it's Ciel but because it's a promise....' you tried to convince yourself even though there was that little part of you that was crying that it was all for Ciel.

You spotted him across the hall with the blonde from the day you met him. You ran there and put your hands on your knees. "I'm.... back..." you said, pretending to gasp for air.

"______?" Ciel asked.

"... yes..?"

"You didn't have to run here."

You stumbled slightly and he caught you, arms out stretched.

"The first dance is starting in five minutes... people are still entering the ball room." He sighed.

"This is ______?" Blondie said, and You were slightly shocked at the high pitch voice. "My name is Elizabeth Middleford.

But please, call me Lizzy! Ciel says you're the street preformer we saw in town the otherday, and You were really good!" she said, clapping her hands.

You curtsy. "Thank you Lady Lizzy."

"I'm going to get some sweets, I'll be right back!" She said, skipping over to the other side of the dance floor. However, as soon as she did, the first dance started.

Viscount Druitt had been in the news often enough for you to recognise him amongst the dancers. An idea began to form.

"Hey Ciel, want to dance?" you asked him.

"I suppose." He said, taking your hand and leading you to the dance floor.

As the two of you were dancing, you led him to Viscount Druitt and his partner. It was probably quite strange for him- to go into the dance expecting to lead and be the better dancer and to have the exact opposite. Atleast he was still doing the male steps.

When you two were close enough, you gave a kick to Druitt with your heel that would shatter his ankle. He stumbled, and you brought your leg back down instantly like nothing happened. When your leg hit the floor, you felt your heel click, meaning the blade had popped out. you moved back, taking a slash at The same leg. 'All I Need now is too fall ontop of him and break an interior bloodvessel..' Your thought as he limped in agony.

And then the lights went black. You had no hesitation, and stabbed backwards with a hidden blade in your sleeve, fully seperating yourself from Ciel. "H-Hey! Let go of me! Ciel!" you said, pretending to be kidnapped so it wouldn't look like you killed the Viscount.

"______!" He said, grabbing your arm and pulling on it. You gave minor resistance before letting him pull you, making him think he had saved you from the 'kidnapper' you gently hit his chest and sat there for a second before you pulled away.

When the lights came on, Druitt and his dance partner were gone, but everyone was frantic. Sebastian was standing at the front of the hall. "It is with my greatest regret to inform you the ball is finished early." He bowed. "I do hope everyone returns to their manors safely."

"Screw you Sebastian, I've always wanted to experience a ball." you mutter, and Ciel laughs.

Atleast you got the job done.

I guess that's all that matters.

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