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You jerked up, quickly looking at your surroundings.

You we're on the boat that had taken you to London, and you were sitting up front with Marcie driving, Viletta as the passenger, and then Puck and his two friends in the back.

"_______?" a familiar voice got your attention.

"Kisa... what just happened?" You asked her, as she was sitting next to you.

"I don't know. You were telling me about your next job, and then you just froze for a second." She shrugged.

"Only two hours left!" Marcie called from the wheel, and Puck stood, giving a thumbs up. The boat behind you had a person stand and give a thumbs up, and so on.

'I remember that- was it all a dream???' You wondered. "My bag!" You exclaimed. "Kisa, grab my bag!"

"Why?" She asked.

"Just do it!" you said, and she reached under her seat and pulled it out. Handing it to you, you pulled it open.

'Is he real?? His case file should be inside!'

"Ha!" You pulled out the file, flipping it open. "Ciel." You whispered, staring at the file.

"Kisa, I've got something to tell you. And you probably won't believe me."


"No way." Kisa said, her jaw dropping.

"I know." You said. The boat's engine was running, making it perfect for you to tell Kisa what happened.

"When we get to London, make sure you get that spot. If he remembers you, he'll go there." she said.

"I will."

'Ciel... I'll wait for you...'

Ciel's POV

"Young Master?" Sebastian asked me worriedly. "Are you alright?"

"Where's _______?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know who _________ is sir, are you feeling alright?"

"Perfectly fine!"

"I can cancel the plans with lady Elizabeth to go to the street performing-"

"No!" I said.

'________.... Please, Please, PLEASE remember me. I'm coming for you.'


"Oh, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone."

You finished your song, your hands slightly jittery from nerves.

You looked up. "Thank you." You smiled to the crowd, skimming the faces.

And then you saw him.


Your eyes connected, and your face grew into an even wider smile.

'Please.. Ciel, do you remember me?'

He cut off your eye contact, closing his eyes as he smiled back. Opening his eye again, he mouthed 'Stick to The plan.'

The plan?

He must mean the dream.

You would have to shoot him again.

But all that mattered was the two of you would be in love and this time, it would be in reality.

You couldn't wait.


Yay! That's it!

I might do a sequel, but at the moment I'm just trying to finish all the books I'm writing.

-_-" it's a lot of work, ya know?

The prequel will be about the glitches of the two of you trying to recreate what you dreamt....

ANYWHO, I realize your probably don't like this book's ending.

I apologize.

But I'm doing this so I can make Atleast three more books!

Soooooooooooooo please don't hate me?

-The lovely IwuvSoul

EDIT: The sequel is up! It's titled 'Ciel x Reader- Welcome to Reality'

Ciel x Reader- Dreams of Who We Used To BeWhere stories live. Discover now