Time Flies When You're Annoyed

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You were mad.

So VERY mad.

It had been TWO DAYS since Ciel had kissed you, and he hadn't said a word.

Not. One. Word.

You had three days until your deadline, and you were frustrated that you couldn't kill Ciel with him ignoring you.

And HE kissed YOU. So why was HE ignoring YOU?

That morning at breakfast, he wouldn't even make eye contact with you. So you stared down at the table in fury.

"Today's breakfast will be sided with Assam tea (Author's Note: NOT EARL GREY. DEAL WITH IT.) and mini croissants drizzled in warm chocolate. Today's lunch will have Ceylon tea (Author's Note: What's this? It's NOT Earl Grey? NEWS FLASH! Ciel does not have a problem!) with cake," Sebastian had an evil glint in his eye. "and dinner will be accompanied by (Author's Note: Earl Grey? NOPE.) herbal tea of rosehips. Does that suit your liking, Young master and _______?"

"Fine." Ciel said.

"______?" he turned to you.

"Fabulous." You said, standing. "I'm not hungry." You said, leaving your untouched plate.

"_______, you didn't eat dinner last night, nor did you have lunch. You surely must be hungry." Sebastian said, trying to stop you.

"I'm not hungry." You repeated, leaving the room.

Sebby-chan's POV <3 (This is a Ciel x Reader, haha, so I can say what I want!)

As soon as ________ left the room, Ciel slumped in his chair and sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Young Master." I said. "I do not know what happened between you and ________, but it could be hazardous for her health should she continue without any nutrients."

"Don't talk to me." He muttered.

"Young Master, what happened?"

"....... I acted rashly."

"Haven't we spoken about that?" I said.

"You're not my parent."

'Thank Satan for that.' I thought. "Young master, you should speak with her. The longer you put this off, the worse she will get."

".... She's already at her worst." Ciel muttered.

"What do you mean, Young Master?" I asked, intrigued.

"She doesn't come to bed anymore. She's not sleeping." He muttered.

'Not a surprise.. I hadn't heard any of her screams from nightmares recently. She looks so drained.'

"Young Master, once you have finished your meal, please go and speak with her. If she won't forgive you, atleast get her to come and eat. It would look bad for your family if you had a guest that was starving herself."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you, Young Master."



"What?" I asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"I can't find her. And don't 'What?' me! I'm ready for lunch. Bring her in and I'll talk to her then."

"Yes, My Lord." I said. 'I'll start preparations for lunch and then take a look for her.' I decided, heading into the kitchen. But of course. There she was. I should've expected the br- Young Master wouldn't check in here.

Ciel x Reader- Dreams of Who We Used To BeWhere stories live. Discover now