Practice Makes Perfect

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"No! Put your heart into it! Again!" You heard as you walked down the hall after that horrendous phone call.

You pressed your head against the door, listening. If you hadn't been familiar with the instrument itself, you would've thought there was a dead cat in there. However, as you learned to play it when you were younger, you recognized it as a beginner violin player.

A small smile played across your lips despite everything. 'Oh Ciel. You're not good at all.' You thought.

You could hear Sebastian clap his hands once and sigh. "I would've thought that even though you have an audience you wouldn't be overcome by nerves and would be able to play a decent piece."

"Audience?" Ciel asked.

'OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIII-' you thought, looking down before getting confused. You never made noise when you moved, a habit from your job, and your feet couldn't be seen from under that door.

"She's outside." Sebastian said, walking to the door.

'OHMYGOD CIEL IS GOING TO THINK I'M CREEPY!!!' You thought, looking for a hiding spot as Sebastian came to the door. You spotted a curtain not far away that would hide all of you, including your shoes, so you jumped and rolled silently, managing to get behind the curtain before he opened the door.

Through a crack between the wall and the curtain, you could see Ciel looking around confused holding his violin. 'OHMYGOD WHERE DID SEBASTIAN GO?????' You thought as you held your breath and closed your eyes.

"Right here." You heard Sebastian chuckle, pulling back the curtain.

You pouted and crossed your arms. "Damn. I thought I was good at hide and seek."

Ciel gave a small smile. "You may be good, but Sebastian's the master. I didn't see you at all though."

"Thank you Earl Phantomhive." You said as Sebastian held curtain open for you to walk through.

You accidentally on purpose kicked his leg as you walked, and you could feel his glare on your back, causing you to smile.

Ciel indicated for you to come into what looked like his office, and you obliged, not wanting to anger him.

'Why do I care though?? I'm going to kill him eventuality...' You thought quickly before shaking your head. 'Don't think like that! Be positive!'

"Can you play the violin ________?" Ciel asked.

"Uhm, yes, but it's been a while. A few years." You said, repositioning a knife that was hidden under your sleeve, while to them it looked like you were fiddling with your shirt.

Ciel handed his violin to you. "Play." He instructed.

".. I don't remember any of my peices..." You said, trying to get out of it.

He handed his music to you. "Play." He repeated.

You sighed, quickly taking a once over of the piece. "I do so love this symphony." You said before rising the violin to your chin and playing.

To your pleasure, the awful noises that Ciel had been making were not floating out of the violin, but rather sweet noises of a pleasant tune.

When you were done, you looked up to see Sebastian staring at you, looking satisfied and Ciel was looking shocked.

"That, Young Master, is how the piece should be played." Sebastian said in approval.

"How did you... Just from sight reading?" Ciel asked.

You shrug. "It could've been a lot better. I messed up on the trills at bar 31." You sighed.

"You couldn't hear it at all!" He said, coming behind you to look at the music.

"Right there. It was supposed to be staccato, or sharp, but it was slurred, or dull when it was played." You showed him.

"Huh." Ciel said.

"You also took an extra breath, changing your posture slightly after bar 67, when it was not needed." Sebastian observed.

You sent a glare in his direction. "I don't need you to tell me what to work on." You said, crossing your legs.

"I was doing it to help the Young Master. So he knows what to look out for when he plays." Sebastian countered.

"Because lecturing me on it will TOTALLY fix everything." You rolled your eyes.

"Practice makes perfect." Sebastian said in a fake happy tone and you shot daggers at him through your glare.

"Sebastian, get some tea." Ciel said, breaking the tension.

He bowed and left, and you sighed, glad he left.

"You don't like my butler?" Ciel asked.

"He's rude. Annoying. Cocky. Thinks he knows everything. Makes Excuses. Lies." You sigh again.

"Sebastian does not lie." Ciel said, as he went to look out his window.

"Practice DOES make perfect."


I'd said I'd have Another chapter out today, and I did! 11:57 baby!

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