Bulimia Nervosa

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Bulimia is an eating disorder made up of insatiable overeating as a medical/emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting.

Bulimia Nervosa may be the most varying of ED’s in terms of the behaviours that may be associated with it. In general terms, it’s simply one behaviour; binging, which is defined medically as eating 10,000-20,000 calories a day (contrasted to the regular 1,500-3,000), which is then followed by purging. Please keep in mind that binges are different for everyone, and that an individual may still eat more or less than that, with it still counting as a binge.

Purging, while generally being accepted as self-inflicted vomiting, is actually not restricted only to throwing up.

It can be;

—-throwing up purposely

—-fasting/starving oneself after the binge

—-using aids such as diuretics, laxatives and enemas

—-exercising heavily

—-using unconventional aids, such as personal allergens, copious amounts of alcohol or drugs to get rid of the food

—-other ways to get rid of/make up for the calories consumed during binges

This eating disorder is influenced by BDD (please see Body Dysmorphic Disorder). Those who have this ED typically have a distorted self-image of themselves. This disorder influences them to feel too heavy/fat and very insecure about the way they look. This may or may not be the result of a “hallucination,” in which the individual will perceive themselves as a weight different than their own and in turn resort to this ED to get rid of the weight they believe they should lose.

It must be added; however, that Bulimia, as well as any other eating disorders, are in no way voluntary. They are mental illnesses and those that are afflicted are so because of their brain chemicals, never due to choice. Even in Pro-ED communities like Pro-Ana, or in this case; Pro-Mia, it’s still a mental illness, and those that have it have no choice. In some cases of Pro-Mia, a form of “psychosis” is present, which leads the individual to believe that they have everything under control and can stop any time they want; when in reality, they can’t.

A large number of those with Bulimia Nervosa are of an average weight for their age, height, ethnicity, gender, etc. It must be noticed that they are usually on the low end of the scale because an average person’s weight fluctuates 1-2 kilograms depending on their stools, and those with Bulimia get rid of a lot of the immediate things they consume. There are most certainly occurrences as well where one will be overweight or obese due to the fact that the form of purging utilized may not actually "rid" the body of the calories and essences. Some may also be underweight (which is most common with the obsessive exercise subcategory), but it's less likely.

Binges usually occur during a heightened emotional state, whether that be happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, fear or anything in between. When these heightened emotions occur, the brain is vulnerable and not typically under control and will immediately go to a binge. Binges, as mentioned before, are generally comprised of several thousands of calories in junk foods. These foods can be salty, sour or sweet, but usually contain massive quantities of sugar, sodium, and especially; saturated fat.


(vomiting subcategory only)

—-yellowish/clear teeth

—-”chipmunk” cheeks

—-bad breath

—-broken blood vessels in the eyes

—-scarred fingers

—-tooth sensitivity

—-enamel erosion


—-electrolyte balances

—-stomach pains

—-pulled muscles


—-developing migraines

—-malnourishment (if they only consume certain foods)


—-sallow skin

—-brittle nails

—-cold or swollen hands and feet

—-bloated or upset stomach

—-low blood pressure



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