ı 03 ı Letting Go

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"Please stay where you are, don't come any closer. Don't try to change my mind, I'm being cruel to be kind."

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"Are you still mad at me?" Stefan asks as we hike up the trail in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee.

I don't answer because to be honest, I am mad. I still can't get over the fact that twelve hours ago I  was so close to killing someone, and worst of all Stefan was the one who told me to do it.

"We had to warn them. It was the only way to make a point," Stefan explains as he carries a dead Ray on his back.

After wolfsbane poisoning, stabbing, and a beating from Klaus, Klaus finally decided to turn him, snapping his neck after feeding him his blood.

"There are better ways to warn people than killing. I though you of all people knew that," I say.

"Yeah, well that was before Damon got us into this mess," Stefan says nonchalantly.

"Do you really blame Damon for this? He's our brother! We've sacrificed everything for him, because he's family," I hiss, trying to stay quiet with Klaus walking a dozen feet ahead of us. "I even sacrificed my own car," I mutter, remembering my suit ride that James helped me pick out.

"I'm not doing this now," Stefan sighs.

"Is this whole thing you're doing an act? The whole 'I don't care that I'm a ripper and kill people because I'm Klaus's minion'?" I ask.

"You're lucky I haven't turned my humanity off," he says grimly.

"Why haven't you?" I ask out of curiosity.

He doesn't respond, so I scoff and shake my head.

"Whatever," I mutter. I know there must be a reason he hasn't shut his humanity off, and I'm determined to figure it out.

"If you two are done with your little brother-sister chit chat, then would you mind picking up the pace? I can hear Ray's pack up ahead," Klaus says from the top of the hill.

I vamp speed up the hill leaving Stefan as he trudges up the hill with Ray on his back.

He makes it up the hill leaving the three of us standing there, observing the scene of tents and a dozen people camping around.

"My, my, I think we've found our pack," Klaus says before walking towards them.

Stefan and I follow, stopping when our presence has been noticed. Stefan drops Ray's body on the ground as a girl immediately comes running over shouting his name.

"Who are you?" the girl says, whimpering over Ray's body.

"Me? Well, my name is Klaus," Klaus says.

The girl gasps and stands back with the rest of the pack who have gathered around.

"Y- you-you're the hybrid," she stutters.

I smirk, finding some sort of satisfaction from her fear. I don't know why, but her fear makes me feel powerful. I immediately shake it off and look to the ground.

"Great, you've heard of me," Klaus says, as an array of gasps and shocked expressions fill the faces of the pack.


"Did you put vervain in the coffee again mate?" I ask Matt behind the bar.

"Yeah, sorry. Do you want me to make you a separate cup?" he asks.

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